trilogy-libraries / activerecord-trilogy-adapter

Active Record adapter for the Trilogy database client for Rails v6.0 - v7.0.
MIT License
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Mysql2 -> Trilogy: ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyError replaced with ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid #72

Open DaemonSpelledWrong opened 2 months ago

DaemonSpelledWrong commented 2 months ago

I recently swapped my company's database adapter over from mysql2 to trilogy and noticed that we were no longer rescuing ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyError exceptions because we started receiving ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid instead. Is it intended that Trilogy overwrites ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyError with ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid and, if so, may I ask why?

Further context: My company uses Doorkeeper for Oauth2 in our Rails app. Doorkeeper utilizes oauth application credentials to create Doorkeeper::AccessToken objects with a token value users/APIs use when making requests to our own API. These token objects have a previous_refresh_token field that is "" by default and becomes populated with the previously used refresh token when you refresh your token.

On any given request, Doorkeeper will reset the previous_refresh_token column to "" if it is not currently "". So if you make a GET request with a token that was refreshed Doorkeeper will update the token and cause a write to the DB. This becomes a problem when all GET requests get routed to a reader connection. Previously we were capturing this case by rescuing ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyError but that changed and we were no longer handling these exceptions. I fixed it by additionally rescuing ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid but could've also fixed by simply executing all doorkeeper_token calls within a writer connection. However I am curious why this changed to begin with.

Edit: for more context, we're using Rails 6.1; not Rails 7+.

composerinteralia commented 1 month ago

I don't think it's intentional. In Rails 6.1, the mysql2 adapter uses this #execute method to execute queries: (which checks for readonly mode and raises the ReadOnlyError if needed), whereas this gem uses (which doesn't include the check at least on Rails 6.1).

So we might might need to add a similar readonly check to this gem to get the behavior to match. The easiest way to do that is probably to implement this method: instead of writing an empty method. The implementation would look similar to what's in