trim21 / transmission-rpc
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Can't delete file from disc #426

Closed garnajee closed 3 months ago

garnajee commented 3 months ago

Sorry to reopen this, but it seems that I have the same issue with the lib (latest version transmission-rpc==7.0.5).

By trying to delete a torrent (the file itself and the data) using the remove_torrent() function, only the file (<hash>.torrent in the transmission folder) is removed. It doesn't matter whether delete_data is set to True or False, the torrent file is always removed. But never the contents of the torrent.

Here is the json data request using the web-ui (with the webui it works fine) :

json_data = '{"arguments":{"delete-local-data":true,"ids":[151]},"method":"torrent-remove"}'

Here is my python script : client.remove_torrent(151,True)

I don't know what else I can provide, I don't have any other logs.


Originally posted by @garnajee in

trim21 commented 3 months ago

does your transmission process have permission to remove files?

trim21 commented 3 months ago

I still can't re-reproduce this. this library will send request data {'tag': 1, 'method': 'torrent-remove', 'arguments': {'delete-local-data': True, 'ids': [...]}} and it's same data with web-ui

garnajee commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the reply. Yes, transmission have the right permission to remove file (I'm using the linuxserver/transmission docker with the same puid/pgid as for the files. I even tried with root id).

How could I get the request data used by lib? I don't know what else to do/try.

trim21 commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the reply. Yes, transmission have the right permission to remove file (I'm using the linuxserver/transmission docker with the same puid/pgid as for the files. I even tried with root id).

How could I get the request data used by lib? I don't know what else to do/try.

set logging level to debug

garnajee commented 3 months ago

Thanks ! So, here is my python code for the tests:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import logging
from transmission_rpc import Client

# Configure root logger to print DEBUG messages to console

ip = "localhost"
port = 9091
username = "admin"
password = "admin"

client = Client(host=ip, port=port, username=username, password=password)

# Add a logger for transmission-rpc and set level to DEBUG
transmission_logger = logging.getLogger("transmission-rpc")

# Create a console handler for transmission-rpc logger
transmission_console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()

# Create a formatter and add it to the handler
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

# Add the console handler to the logger

# Remove torrent with ID 27 and log DEBUG messages
print("list:",client.get_torrents(arguments=["id", "name"]))

And here is the full log :

trim21 commented 3 months ago

you can see it generate same request data

garnajee commented 3 months ago

Yes, but the file still exists (not the <hash>.torrent, just the content)

trim21 commented 3 months ago

and I don't think it's possible that json only encode method and ids but not delete-local-data for request body...

trim21 commented 3 months ago

Can you 100% reproduce this? is there any extra log from transmission-daemon?

garnajee commented 3 months ago

Hello, sorry for the late reply I can reproduce this indefinitely. No other logs. 2nd test: adding more information (tree before/after, docker-compose.yml, file's permissions)

garnajee commented 3 months ago

Ok, apologies, seems to work well finally. My fault...

      - ./tr-config/:/config
-     - ./data:/data
      - ./tr-config/:/config
+     - ./data:/downloads
trim21 commented 3 months ago

happy to know it's not a but 😄

garnajee commented 3 months ago

I'm sorry again, I'm a bit ashamed ahah

trim21 commented 3 months ago

no need for apologies