trimstray / multitor

Create multiple TOR instances with a load-balancing.
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Is there a smarter way to communicate with control port when using HAProxy #25

Open ash0080 opened 4 years ago

ash0080 commented 4 years ago


Client |--------> HAProxy ( |--------> TOR Instance ( (cp: 9900) |--------> TOR Instance ( (cp: 9901)

When client found a tor circle not work, ( eg, 9000 ) how to send signal newnym to renew it? cuz client doesn't know which one used

or at least during 15s ( default renew duration ), the HAProxy will still keep forwarding traffic to this broken instance?

So, my question is, Is there a possibility to "smart communicate" with control ports? Besides, is there a command forward interface for docker container?

bloigge commented 2 years ago

Any news on this? I also would like to renew a broken connection. If it is not possible for the client, how could a script look like on the server which checks for broken connections repeatedly?