triniwiz / nativescript-pager

Apache License 2.0
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Nesting? #142

Open kryptus36 opened 4 years ago

kryptus36 commented 4 years ago

I'd like to have the top portion of my app swipeable to change the page and another inner pager for some contextual data. However, when I swipe the inner pager, it affects the outer one instead.

Is this use case supported?

triniwiz commented 4 years ago

Ah nice use case which platform(s)

kryptus36 commented 4 years ago

I'm currently testing on an Android emulator. I'd like to support ios as well, but I'm currently developing on a Linux machine.

tns version is 6.0.0-2019-07-15-150533-13643

triniwiz commented 4 years ago

Can you try something for me in the loaded event and LMK what happens 😄

kryptus36 commented 4 years ago

It didn't seem to have any affect. I'm assuming you meant the loaded event for the page.

triniwiz commented 4 years ago

No for the pager

kryptus36 commented 4 years ago

Still seems to have no effect (I tried it on both inner and outer). Am I doing something wrong?

triniwiz commented 4 years ago

Can you paste some of the view code

triniwiz commented 4 years ago

Btw I meant something like

<Pager (loaded)="loaded($event)">
<GridLayout rows="*,*>
<Pager row="1">

kryptus36 commented 4 years ago

As I was writing this I noticed in my UI the inner pager actually does give me the white "you can't drag any further" markers if I drag vertically. Interesting. It doesn't actually show me anything other than the first one though (and I did manually verify there's more than one element in the array).

Here's the outer:

<StackLayout xmlns:pager="nativescript-pager" xmlns:components="components">
  <pager:Pager height="100%" width="100%" selectedIndex="1"
  items="{{clientVenues}}" id="venue-pager" loaded='pagerLoaded'
  showNativePageIndicator="false" backgroundColor="lightsteelblue">
        <Label text="{{name}}" class="venue-name" />
        <StackLayout class="hr-light m-t-5 m-b-5" colSpan="2"></StackLayout>
        <Label text="{{ | humanDate}}" class='date' />
          <components:pot-pager />

And inner:

<StackLayout xmlns:pager="nativescript-pager" xmlns:lv="nativescript-ui-listview" >
  <pager:Pager height="100%" width="100%" loaded='pagerLoaded'
  items="{{}}" id="pot-pager"
  showNativePageIndicator="false" backgroundColor="green">
        <Label text="{{name}}" class="event-name" />
        <lv:RadListView row="0" items="{{ pots }}"> 
                <lv:ListViewLinearLayout />
                    <GridLayout rows="*" columns="*,100,100">
                      <Label col="0" text="{{name}}" />
                      <Label col="1" text="{{numbers ? numbers + '#s' : null}}" />
                      <Label col="2" text="{{prize | formatPrize}}" />
exports.pagerLoaded = function(args) {
  console.log("Pager loaded", args);;
kryptus36 commented 4 years ago

Is there any obvious reason why my inner pager won't page to the next element (and why its trying to page vertically)?

triniwiz commented 4 years ago

I can try adding this feature to the demo an I'll know from there