Open chris-praxis opened 3 years ago
I get bad layouts simply by toggling fullscreen via the YT button, but rotating device makes for some extra bad layouts.
@chris-praxis, were you able to find a work-around for this?
@chris-praxis, were you able to find a work-around for this?
Sort of. I use this YT player in a limited way, with no fullscreen option, and it works for my needs. Currently I'm not getting the issues above after rotating the device. I'm using version 4.1.4. Here's my layout...
<GridLayout row="1" :rows="isLandscape ? 'auto,*,auto,auto' : '*,*,*,auto'" margin="10">
<Label row="0" class="subtitle" :text="subtitle" textWrap="true" />
<GridLayout row="1" id="videoFrame">
<Image src="~/assets/images/new_feature_video.png" />
<Image width="70" height="70" src="~/assets/images/play_video_button.png"
:visibility="isVideoReady ? 'visible' : 'collapsed'"
@tap="onPlayVideoTap" />
<StackLayout row="3" orientation="horizontal" horizontalAlignment="center">
<Button class="btn-secondary" text="Continue" margin="10"
@tap="onContinueButtonTap" />
<YoutubePlayer row="1" ref="videoPlayer"
controls="false" showFullScreenToggle="false" showRelatedVideos="false" showYoutubeLogo="false"
:visibility="isVideoVisible ? 'visible' : 'hidden'"
@stateChange="onStateChange" />
@EdJones Changing my layout to the above fixed most if not all of the issues.
@chris-praxis Thanks!
I don't think I tried a grid layout with explicit row numbers. I was using StackLayout or GridLayout.
Will try it.
@triniwiz/nativescript-youtubeplayer 4.1.4
I think the title says it all, but I'll attach some images. Also, I have a special layout because I find that the YoutubePlayer does not properly center in a GridLayout cell, but even when I simplify the layout I get the following (see images) layout issues...