Some time after my page containing a YoutubePlayer is loaded, I get the prints
chromium: [] WebContentsDelegate::CheckMediaAccessPermission: Not supported.
chromium: [] WebContentsDelegate::CheckMediaAccessPermission: Not supported.
If I call 'play' prior to these permission prints, it does not play and I get
chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught TypeError: player.playVideo is not a function", source: (1)
If I call 'play' after these permission prints, it works. The only way I know to tell programmatically whether 'play' was successful is by checking for a state change, so I came up with the following workaround...
let player = this.$refs.videoPlayer.nativeView;
let playCount = 0;
let _this = this;
this.playStartTimerID = Timer.setInterval(function(){
if(_this.videoState == 'unstarted'){
console.log("play video["+(playCount++)+"]: "+_this.videoSource);;
_this.playStartTimerID = -1;
}, 250);
...where 'videoState' has been set in response to an event...
const STATES = ['unstarted', 'ended', 'playing', 'paused', 'buffering', 'bad', 'cued'];
let player = this.$refs.videoPlayer.nativeView;
let stateNum = args.state;
this.videoState = STATES[stateNum + 1];
Sample output...
chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(865)] "Unrecognized feature: 'picture-in-picture'.", source: (865)
JS: play video[0]: aZKLf6gV04U
chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught TypeError: player.playVideo is not a function", source: (1)
JS: play video[1]: aZKLf6gV04U
chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught TypeError: player.playVideo is not a function", source: (1)
JS: network connection: WiFi
JS: play video[2]: aZKLf6gV04U
chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught TypeError: player.playVideo is not a function", source: (1)
JS: play video[3]: aZKLf6gV04U
chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught TypeError: player.playVideo is not a function", source: (1)
chromium: [] WebContentsDelegate::CheckMediaAccessPermission: Not supported.
chromium: [] WebContentsDelegate::CheckMediaAccessPermission: Not supported.
JS: play video[4]: aZKLf6gV04U
JS: video state: unstarted (-1)
JS: video state: buffering (3)
JS: video state: playing (1)
@triniwiz/nativescript-youtubeplayer 4.1.4 NS 8.1.4 Android 11
Some time after my page containing a YoutubePlayer is loaded, I get the prints
If I call 'play' prior to these permission prints, it does not play and I get
If I call 'play' after these permission prints, it works. The only way I know to tell programmatically whether 'play' was successful is by checking for a state change, so I came up with the following workaround...
...where 'videoState' has been set in response to an event...
Sample output...
Rather ugly but it works.