I would like to use this plugin with feathersjs by use of th feathersVuex plugin.
It is connecting to the feathers backend, but then I get the following error
" TypeError: Cannot read property 'engine' of undefined"
and it is happening in this code of the @feathersjs/authentication-client (/lib/passport.js)
const socketUpgradeHandler = () => {
socket.io.engine.on('upgrade', () => {
debug('Socket upgrading');
// If socket was already authenticated then re-authenticate
// it with the server automatically.
if (socket.authenticated) {
const data = {
strategy: this.options.jwtStrategy,
accessToken: app.get('accessToken')
this.authenticateSocket(data, socket, emit)
.catch(error => {
debug('Error re-authenticating after socket upgrade', error);
socket.authenticated = false;
app.emit('reauthentication-error', error);
if (socket.io && socket.io.engine) {
} else {
socket.on('connect', socketUpgradeHandler);
Somehow it doesn't find the engine property at socket.io.engine.
Any idea how to fix this code to work with your plugin?
Which platform(s) does your issue occur on?
Hi, I would like to use this plugin with feathersjs by use of th feathersVuex plugin. It is connecting to the feathers backend, but then I get the following error " TypeError: Cannot read property 'engine' of undefined"
and it is happening in this code of the @feathersjs/authentication-client (/lib/passport.js)
Somehow it doesn't find the engine property at socket.io.engine. Any idea how to fix this code to work with your plugin?