triniwiz / nativescript-stripe

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CreditCardView validation cuts off text in Android #131

Open jonsabogal opened 3 years ago

jonsabogal commented 3 years ago

If I enter an invalid cc number in Android using CreditCardView component, validation kicks in and cuts off the text fields underneath for Expiry, cvc and zip code.

Also I am not sure what causes the validation styling to kick in. If I wrap my "onSave" code under a check for cardParams not being null (I have noticed cardParams is null whenever the cc number is invalid or incomplete), it still kicks in; I assume a simple tap on the screen might trigger it? I was trying to work around this by not showing the CreditCardView validation at all and creating my own.

I haven't tested in iOS but I assume the problem isn't there because the CreditCardView is displayed all in the same row in iOS as opposed to 2 rows in android.


onSave(cardView: CreditCardView) { if (cardView.cardParams != null || cardView.cardParams != undefined) { this.creditCardView = cardView; this.setupIntentSecret$ = this.paymentFormService.getPaymentMethodSetupIntentSecret(this.user.userId); this.subscribeToSetupIntent(); } }

using ns 7.1.2.

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