triniwiz / nativescript-stripe

Apache License 2.0
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iOS app crashes at stripe.createPaymentMethod() when no cc info is entered #132

Open jonsabogal opened 3 years ago

jonsabogal commented 3 years ago

I am displaying the CreditCardView component on a modal and I have a "save" button that invokes a setupIntent and saves the user's cc info in Stripe - this is working as expected if the cc info is valid. In iOS in the event I tap "save" without entering anything the app crashes logging the following error:

CONSOLE LOG: Error Domain=com.stripe.lib Code=50 "Missing required param: card[number]." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Missing required param: card[number]., com.stripe.lib:ErrorMessageKey=Missing required param: card[number]., com.stripe.lib:StripeErrorTypeKey=invalid_request_error, com.stripe.lib:StripeErrorCodeKey=parameter_missing, com.stripe.lib:ErrorParameterKey=card[number]}

Fatal JavaScript exception - application has been terminated.

NativeScript encountered a fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of null


(file: src/app/account/payment-method-form/payment-method-form.component.ts:78:37)

at (file: node_modules/@triniwiz/nativescript-stripe/index.ios.js:259:0)

In android the outcome for this scenario is that validation kicks in notifying me to enter valid cc info, which is what I would expect. I am not sure what type of guard I can write to say something like "if cc info is missing or invalid then tapping "save" will do nothing; or better yet activate the validation". I tried checking for cardParams != null || cardParams != undefined but in iOS the execution seems to make it through anyway and crashes the app; in Android the execution does NOT make it through with this guard in place, and if there's no guard it simply ends up displaying the validation.

let stripe = new Stripe(this.publishableKey); stripe.createPaymentMethod(this.creditCardView.cardParams, (error, pm) => { if (error) console.log(error.message); stripe.confirmSetupIntent(, this.setupIntentSecret, (error, setupIntent) => {
if (error) console.log(error.message);

running ns 7.1.2

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