trink / symtseries

C Library providing means of symbolic analysis on time series data currently based on iSAX paper (
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Introduced trial-based event splitting and n-dim-mindist estimation #2

Closed spolakh closed 9 years ago

spolakh commented 9 years ago

Work in progress. Refactoring and mining stats.

spolakh commented 9 years ago

Fixed plotting, actual charts available here: (they bring somewhat more hope to our ranks). Added mindist cross-check, current results: Maximum matching mindist == 34.126566 VS Minimum nonmatching mindist == 12.842546. (w == 10, c == 3). Going for 1) More thorough analysis of results (percentiles rather than simple min-max) 2) SAX indexing 3) Person-wise grid searching for optimal w and c based on 1) powered by 2)

trink commented 9 years ago

Lets talk about this at our 1x1