Open trinker opened 11 years ago
the rmd
and removeDR
are in acc.roxygen2
The examples will have to be reformatted in a better way to return head/minimal pieces of the data as well. It seems that you make a folder in inst called staticdocs that contains the sections you want (with description of each) and optional icons. You can also have a footer and index as seen here:
Which produces:
NOTE: you must have a older named staticdocs in the int directory.
DEMO: path: C:\Users\trinker\GitHub\qdap\inst\staticdocs
Also it's possible to manually alter the document to remove the parts of the readme I don't want as well as to create function and icons that link to commonly shared .rd files. Write a function to do this automatically.
Think about categories: 1) read in/output 2) cleaning/parsing 3) Reshaping 4) Descriptives 5) Measures 6) Visualization 7) Coding tools 8) Word lists 9) viewing 10) Package tools 11) Data sets
Related task:
This allows quick set up for easy cut and paste to the static doc set up:
x <- dir()
y <- mgsub(".R", "", x)
cat(paste(paste0("\"", y, "\","), collapse="\n"),
file=paste0(dt, "qdap_funs.txt"))
x <- dir()
y <- mgsub(".rda", "", x)
cat(paste(paste0("\"", y, "\","), collapse="\n"),
file=paste0(dt, "qdap_dat.txt"))
1) read in/output
2) cleaning/parsing
3) Reshaping
4) Descriptives
5) Measures
6) Visualization
7) Coding tools
8) Counts
9) viewing
10) Package tools
11) Identifying
11) Word extraction/comparison
) Printing
12) Data sets
Categorization has been completed:
I started using:
base_path="C:/Users/trinker/Desktop/qdap/", examples = FALSE)
path <- paste0("C:/Users/trinker/Desktop/qdap/", "index.html")
expand_statdoc(path, , qcv(syn, mgsub, adjmat, wc, char.table))
All that's left is the examples issue:
library(highlight); library(qdap); library(staticdocs); library(acc.roxygen2)
#STEP 1: create static doc
#right now examples are FALSE in the future this will be true
#in the future qdap2 will be the go to source
base_path="C:/Users/trinker/Desktop/qdap/", examples = FALSE)
#STEP 2: reshape index
path <- "C:/Users/trinker/Desktop/qdap"
path2 <- paste0(path, "/index.html")
rdme <- "C:/Users/trinker/GitHub/qdap/inst/extra_statdoc/readme.R"
extras <- qcv(right.just, coleman_liau, flesch_kincaid, fry,
linsear_write, SMOG, syn, mgsub, adjmat, wc, char.table, wfdf)
expand_statdoc(path2, to.icon = extras, readme = rdme)
#STEP 3: move to trinker.guthub
file <- "C:/Users/trinker/GitHub/"
delete(paste0(file, "qdap"))
file.copy(path, file, TRUE, TRUE)
This is more of a focus after qdap has been uploaded to CRAN.
For other searchers currently (1-23-12) the
package has been archived, whichstaticdocs
depends on. To gethighlights
:I'm using the following work flow:
1) Create a separate qdap2 that removes the
s2) Use the function here to remove the
3) Run static docs NOTES: a. highlight has to be loaded for the cute formatting b. I've needed to run this in a vanilla session (not sure why)
4) Upload
Also give topics structure. Not sure how to do this.but this may be helpful:
I think this function does it.