trinker / termco

Regular Expression Counts of Terms and Substrings
25 stars 5 forks source link

Suspect recent quanteda changes breaking token_count #56

Closed trinker closed 6 years ago

trinker commented 6 years ago
* checking examples ... ERROR
Running examples in 'termco-Ex.R' failed
The error most likely occurred in:

> base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
> ### Name: token_count
> ### Title: Count Fixed Tokens
> ### Aliases: token_count
> ### ** Examples
> token_list <- list(
+     person = c('sam', 'i'),
+     place = c('here', 'house'),
+     thing = c('boat', 'fox', 'rain', 'mouse', 'box', 'eggs', 'ham'),
+     no_like = c('not like')
+ )
> token_count(sam_i_am, grouping.var = TRUE, token.list = token_list)
Warning: removeNumbers is deprecated; use remove_numbers instead
Error in tokens_internal(texts(x), ...) : 
  the ... list does not contain 2 elements
Calls: token_count ... tokens.character -> tokens -> tokens.corpus -> tokens_internal
Execution halted