trinodb / trino-gateway
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Logging configuration no longer works #346

Closed jack-o-hara closed 1 month ago

jack-o-hara commented 1 month ago


I’m upgrading from v4 to v9. I noticed here that logging.type: external is now required as GW is using Airlift. I want to configure JSON logging.

The documentation says Use the log.* properties from the Trino logging properties documentation however adding log.format: JSON to the conf results in an error:

com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field "log" (class io.trino.gateway.ha.conf at [Source: UNKNOWN; byte offset: #UNKNOWN] (through reference chain:  io.trino.gateway.ha.config.HaGatewayConfiguration["log"])

logging.format: JSON also no longer works because it no longer uses dropwizard logging.

com..fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field "format" (class io.dropwizard.logging at [Source: UNKNOWN; byte offset: #UNKNOWN] (through reference chain: io.trino.gateway.ha.config.HaGatewayConfiguration["logging"]->io.dropwizard.logging.common.ExternalLoggingFactory["format"])
ebyhr commented 1 month ago

Please try JVM options like -Dlog.format= JSON. Setting properties will be supported in

mosabua commented 1 month ago

Also note that once we are fully moved to airlift we will support a file similar to Trino .. and then all those configurations can go in there.

wewark commented 3 days ago

@jack-o-hara did this solution work for you? It doesn't work for me for some reason. set -Dlog.format=JSON in JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS in the docker compose file. But it still doesn't write the logs as json as it used to.

mosabua commented 2 days ago

We are close to merging the new config with serverConfig in .. once that is in we will need your feedback and testing to ensure it works as documented ..