trinodb / trino-gateway
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Fix install and probe bugs #348

Closed willmostly closed 1 month ago

willmostly commented 1 month ago


This fixes a nil pointer issue when Helm evaluates the deployment template before the secrets template creates trino-gateway-configuration. It also fixes an issue with the liveness and readiness probe templates.

Additional context and related issues

The nil pointer issue may result in an error message like

Error: template: trino-gateway/templates/deployment.yaml:20:71: executing "trino-gateway/templates/deployment.yaml" at <"trino-gateway-configuration">: nil pointer evaluating interface {}.resourceVersion

The templating issue results in a livenessProbe like:

                path: /
                port: 9082
            initialDelaySeconds: .Values.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds
            periodSeconds: .Values.livenessProbe.periodSeconds
            failureThreshold: .Values.livenessProbe.failureThreshold
            timeoutSeconds: .Values.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds

Release notes

( ) This is not user-visible or is docs only, and no release notes are required. ( ) Release notes are required. Please propose a release note for me. (x) Release notes are required, with the following suggested text:

* Fix issue with Helm deployment when configuration secret not create
* Pass template values through to readiness and liveness probes
ebyhr commented 1 month ago

@willmostly Please use Rebase and merge when merging the PR.

mosabua commented 1 month ago

Or if you need to use squash and merge - make sure to reword message properly and remove the PR number in the title - see

also cc @vishalya and @Chaho12