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Remove unnecessary CONCAT function #375

Open grahamplata opened 4 weeks ago

grahamplata commented 4 weeks ago


Resolves the following error when using Spanner by Explicitly Cast text values in CONCAT function.

SELECT CONCAT(FLOOR(created / 1000 / 60)::text) AS minute,

Resolved the following error ``` trino-gateway org.jdbi.v3.core.statement.UnableToExecuteStatementException: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: Postgres function concat(double precision) is not supported - Statement: 'SELECT CONCAT(FLOOR(created / 1000 / 60)) AS minute, trino-gateway backend_url AS backend_url, trino-gateway COUNT(1) AS query_count trino-gateway FROM query_history trino-gateway WHERE created > $1 trino-gateway GROUP BY minute, backend_url trino-gateway ' [statement:"SELECT CONCAT(FLOOR(created / 1000 / 60)) AS minute, trino-gateway backend_url AS backend_url, trino-gateway COUNT(1) AS query_count trino-gateway FROM query_history trino-gateway WHERE created > :created trino-gateway GROUP BY minute, backend_url trino-gateway ", arguments:{positional:{0:1717180785232}, named:{created:1717180785232}, finder:[]}] ```

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cla-bot[bot] commented 4 weeks ago

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grahamplata commented 4 weeks ago

This isn't a valid syntax in case of MySQL.

Ahh, Yep. I see that. My apologies. In that case is CONCAT needed for this since its a singular input? If it is not a hard requirement dropping that should meet the need

mosabua commented 4 weeks ago

Also note that Spanner is not really something we use or test. Currently only MySQL and PostgreSQL are used.

mosabua commented 4 weeks ago

This isn't a valid syntax in case of MySQL.

Ahh, Yep. I see that. My apologies. In that case is CONCAT needed for this since its a singular input? If it is not a hard requirement dropping that should meet the need

Looking at this I think you might be right and its not really needed. Maybe update the PR to get rid of it and we can see .. will also have to check other database scripts and see if there is something related going on.

cla-bot[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

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mosabua commented 3 weeks ago

I started CI and it seems good. We will have to wait for you to submit a CLA and CLA processing. In the meantime .. @vishalya @willmostly @Chaho12 .. any concerns?

cla-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

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