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Official repository of Trino, the distributed SQL query engine for big data, formerly known as PrestoSQL (
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When a trino node fails during a query execution, there is a chance that some TaskInfoFetcher thread not get cleaned up properly #18779

Closed zy2xu closed 1 week ago

zy2xu commented 1 year ago

We have a large Trino cluster running in a production system (more than 100 nodes). Occasionally, we have nodes that are overloaded or fail during a query execution. When this happens, we would see the following error messages from the coordinator

Error getting info for task 20230822_121101_01493_xqdu3.4.758.0: Server refused connection:

However, on regular occasions, these threads will get cleaned up after the query completely fails due the outage of a worker node, but on off occasions, we see that some of these threads don't get cleaned up and they keep spamming production logs every second.

The current workaround for us is to restart the coordinator, so these lingering threads gets cleaned up.

So is this a known problem? or has anyone else seen this?

The trino version we are using is 413

Below is a copy of our config values

2023-08-18T16:08:05.331Z    INFO    main    io.airlift.log.Logging  Logging to stderr
2023-08-18T16:08:05.332Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   Loading configuration
2023-08-18T16:08:05.886Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   Initializing logging
2023-08-18T16:08:07.190Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   PROPERTY                                                                                DEFAULT                                                                    RUNTIME                                                                    DESCRIPTION
2023-08-18T16:08:07.191Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.uri                                                                           ----                                                                       http://trino-discovery-xxx:8085                            Discovery service base URI
2023-08-18T16:08:07.191Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   service-inventory.uri                                                                   ----                                                                       ----                                                                       Service inventory base URI
2023-08-18T16:08:07.191Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   service-inventory.update-interval                                                       10.00s                                                                     10.00s                                                                     Service inventory update interval
2023-08-18T16:08:07.191Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.trino.pool                                                                    general                                                                    general
2023-08-18T16:08:07.191Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.https.automatic-shared-secret                                     [REDACTED]                                                                 [REDACTED]
2023-08-18T16:08:07.191Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.use-blocking-connect                                              false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.191Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.connect-timeout                                                   5.00s                                                                      15.00s
2023-08-18T16:08:07.191Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.http2.enabled                                                     false                                                                      false                                                                      Enable the HTTP/2 transport
2023-08-18T16:08:07.191Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.http2.session-receive-window-size                                 16MB                                                                       16MB                                                                       Initial size of session's flow control receive window for HTTP/2
2023-08-18T16:08:07.191Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                  16MB                                                                       16MB                                                                       Initial size of stream's flow control receive window for HTTP/2
2023-08-18T16:08:07.191Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.http2.input-buffer-size                                           8kB                                                                        8kB                                                                        Size of the buffer used to read from the network for HTTP/2
2023-08-18T16:08:07.191Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.http-proxy                                                        ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.191Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.https.excluded-cipher                                             [^.*_(MD5|SHA|SHA1)$, ^TLS_RSA_.*$, ^SSL_.*$, ^.*_NULL_.*$, ^.*_anon_.*$]  [^.*_(MD5|SHA|SHA1)$, ^TLS_RSA_.*$, ^SSL_.*$, ^.*_NULL_.*$, ^.*_anon_.*$]  Setting this config property overwrites Jetty's default excluded cipher suites
2023-08-18T16:08:07.192Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.https.included-cipher                                             []                                                                         []
2023-08-18T16:08:07.192Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.idle-timeout                                                      1.00m                                                                      1.00m
2023-08-18T16:08:07.192Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.keep-alive-interval                                               ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.192Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.key-store-password                                                [REDACTED]                                                                 [REDACTED]
2023-08-18T16:08:07.192Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.key-store-path                                                    ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.192Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.log.buffer-size                                                   1MB                                                                        1MB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.192Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.log.compression.enabled                                           true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.192Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.log.enabled                                                       false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.192Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.log.flush-interval                                                10.00s                                                                     10.00s
2023-08-18T16:08:07.192Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.log.max-history                                                   15                                                                         15
2023-08-18T16:08:07.192Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.log.max-size                                                      1GB                                                                        1GB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.192Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.log.path                                                          var/log/                                                                   var/log/                                                                   The name of the log file will be prefixed with the name of the HTTP client (<client_name>-http-client.log)
2023-08-18T16:08:07.192Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.log.queue-size                                                    10000                                                                      10000
2023-08-18T16:08:07.192Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.max-connections                                                   200                                                                        200
2023-08-18T16:08:07.192Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.max-connections-per-server                                        20                                                                         20
2023-08-18T16:08:07.193Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.max-content-length                                                16MB                                                                       16MB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.193Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.max-requests-queued-per-destination                               1024                                                                       1024
2023-08-18T16:08:07.193Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.max-threads                                                       200                                                                        200
2023-08-18T16:08:07.193Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.min-threads                                                       8                                                                          8
2023-08-18T16:08:07.193Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.record-request-complete                                           true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.193Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.request-buffer-size                                               4kB                                                                        4kB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.193Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.request-timeout                                                   5.00m                                                                      10.00m
2023-08-18T16:08:07.193Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.response-buffer-size                                              16kB                                                                       16kB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.193Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                                 false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.193Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                           ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.193Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.selector-count                                                    2                                                                          2
2023-08-18T16:08:07.193Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.socks-proxy                                                       ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.193Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.timeout-concurrency                                               1                                                                          1                                                                          Number of concurrent locks for timeout
2023-08-18T16:08:07.193Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.timeout-threads                                                   1                                                                          1                                                                          Total number of timeout threads
2023-08-18T16:08:07.194Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                              [REDACTED]                                                                 [REDACTED]
2023-08-18T16:08:07.194Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                                  ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.194Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   discovery.http-client.https.hostname-verification                                       true                                                                       true                                                                       Verify that server hostname matches the server certificate
2023-08-18T16:08:07.194Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.https.automatic-shared-secret                                  [REDACTED]                                                                 [REDACTED]
2023-08-18T16:08:07.194Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.use-blocking-connect                                           false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.194Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.connect-timeout                                                5.00s                                                                      5.00s
2023-08-18T16:08:07.194Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.http2.enabled                                                  false                                                                      false                                                                      Enable the HTTP/2 transport
2023-08-18T16:08:07.194Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.http2.session-receive-window-size                              16MB                                                                       16MB                                                                       Initial size of session's flow control receive window for HTTP/2
2023-08-18T16:08:07.194Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                               16MB                                                                       16MB                                                                       Initial size of stream's flow control receive window for HTTP/2
2023-08-18T16:08:07.194Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.http2.input-buffer-size                                        8kB                                                                        8kB                                                                        Size of the buffer used to read from the network for HTTP/2
2023-08-18T16:08:07.194Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.http-proxy                                                     ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.194Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.https.excluded-cipher                                          [^.*_(MD5|SHA|SHA1)$, ^TLS_RSA_.*$, ^SSL_.*$, ^.*_NULL_.*$, ^.*_anon_.*$]  [^.*_(MD5|SHA|SHA1)$, ^TLS_RSA_.*$, ^SSL_.*$, ^.*_NULL_.*$, ^.*_anon_.*$]  Setting this config property overwrites Jetty's default excluded cipher suites
2023-08-18T16:08:07.194Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.https.included-cipher                                          []                                                                         []
2023-08-18T16:08:07.194Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.idle-timeout                                                   30.00s                                                                     30.00s
2023-08-18T16:08:07.195Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.keep-alive-interval                                            ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.195Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.key-store-password                                             [REDACTED]                                                                 [REDACTED]
2023-08-18T16:08:07.195Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.key-store-path                                                 ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.195Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.log.buffer-size                                                1MB                                                                        1MB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.195Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.log.compression.enabled                                        true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.195Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.log.enabled                                                    false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.195Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.log.flush-interval                                             10.00s                                                                     10.00s
2023-08-18T16:08:07.195Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.log.max-history                                                15                                                                         15
2023-08-18T16:08:07.195Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.log.max-size                                                   1GB                                                                        1GB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.195Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.log.path                                                       var/log/                                                                   var/log/                                                                   The name of the log file will be prefixed with the name of the HTTP client (<client_name>-http-client.log)
2023-08-18T16:08:07.195Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.log.queue-size                                                 10000                                                                      10000
2023-08-18T16:08:07.195Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.max-connections                                                200                                                                        200
2023-08-18T16:08:07.195Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.max-connections-per-server                                     20                                                                         20
2023-08-18T16:08:07.195Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.max-content-length                                             16MB                                                                       16MB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.195Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.max-requests-queued-per-destination                            1024                                                                       1024
2023-08-18T16:08:07.195Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.max-threads                                                    200                                                                        200
2023-08-18T16:08:07.195Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.min-threads                                                    8                                                                          8
2023-08-18T16:08:07.195Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.record-request-complete                                        true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.195Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.request-buffer-size                                            4kB                                                                        4kB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.196Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.request-timeout                                                10.00s                                                                     10.00s
2023-08-18T16:08:07.196Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.response-buffer-size                                           16kB                                                                       16kB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.196Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                              false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.196Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                        ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.196Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.selector-count                                                 2                                                                          2
2023-08-18T16:08:07.196Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.socks-proxy                                                    ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.196Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.timeout-concurrency                                            1                                                                          1                                                                          Number of concurrent locks for timeout
2023-08-18T16:08:07.196Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.timeout-threads                                                1                                                                          1                                                                          Total number of timeout threads
2023-08-18T16:08:07.196Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                           [REDACTED]                                                                 [REDACTED]
2023-08-18T16:08:07.196Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                               ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.196Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-manager.http-client.https.hostname-verification                                    true                                                                       true                                                                       Verify that server hostname matches the server certificate
2023-08-18T16:08:07.196Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.https.automatic-shared-secret                                      [REDACTED]                                                                 [REDACTED]
2023-08-18T16:08:07.196Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.use-blocking-connect                                               false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.196Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.connect-timeout                                                    5.00s                                                                      1.00m
2023-08-18T16:08:07.196Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.http2.enabled                                                      false                                                                      false                                                                      Enable the HTTP/2 transport
2023-08-18T16:08:07.196Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.http2.session-receive-window-size                                  16MB                                                                       16MB                                                                       Initial size of session's flow control receive window for HTTP/2
2023-08-18T16:08:07.196Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                   16MB                                                                       16MB                                                                       Initial size of stream's flow control receive window for HTTP/2
2023-08-18T16:08:07.196Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.http2.input-buffer-size                                            8kB                                                                        8kB                                                                        Size of the buffer used to read from the network for HTTP/2
2023-08-18T16:08:07.197Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.http-proxy                                                         ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.197Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.https.excluded-cipher                                              [^.*_(MD5|SHA|SHA1)$, ^TLS_RSA_.*$, ^SSL_.*$, ^.*_NULL_.*$, ^.*_anon_.*$]  [^.*_(MD5|SHA|SHA1)$, ^TLS_RSA_.*$, ^SSL_.*$, ^.*_NULL_.*$, ^.*_anon_.*$]  Setting this config property overwrites Jetty's default excluded cipher suites
2023-08-18T16:08:07.197Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.https.included-cipher                                              []                                                                         []
2023-08-18T16:08:07.197Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.idle-timeout                                                       30.00s                                                                     1.00m
2023-08-18T16:08:07.197Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.keep-alive-interval                                                ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.197Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.key-store-password                                                 [REDACTED]                                                                 [REDACTED]
2023-08-18T16:08:07.197Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.key-store-path                                                     ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.197Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.log.buffer-size                                                    1MB                                                                        1MB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.197Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.log.compression.enabled                                            true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.197Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.log.enabled                                                        false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.197Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.log.flush-interval                                                 10.00s                                                                     10.00s
2023-08-18T16:08:07.197Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.log.max-history                                                    15                                                                         15
2023-08-18T16:08:07.197Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.log.max-size                                                       1GB                                                                        1GB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.197Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.log.path                                                           var/log/                                                                   var/log/                                                                   The name of the log file will be prefixed with the name of the HTTP client (<client_name>-http-client.log)
2023-08-18T16:08:07.197Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.log.queue-size                                                     10000                                                                      10000
2023-08-18T16:08:07.197Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.max-connections                                                    200                                                                        200
2023-08-18T16:08:07.197Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.max-connections-per-server                                         250                                                                        250
2023-08-18T16:08:07.197Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.max-content-length                                                 32MB                                                                       32MB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.197Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.max-requests-queued-per-destination                                1024                                                                       1024
2023-08-18T16:08:07.197Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.max-threads                                                        200                                                                        200
2023-08-18T16:08:07.197Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.min-threads                                                        8                                                                          8
2023-08-18T16:08:07.197Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.record-request-complete                                            true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.198Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.request-buffer-size                                                4kB                                                                        4kB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.198Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.request-timeout                                                    10.00s                                                                     10.00s
2023-08-18T16:08:07.198Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.response-buffer-size                                               16kB                                                                       16kB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.198Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                                  false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.198Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                            ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.198Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.selector-count                                                     2                                                                          2
2023-08-18T16:08:07.198Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.socks-proxy                                                        ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.198Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.timeout-concurrency                                                1                                                                          1                                                                          Number of concurrent locks for timeout
2023-08-18T16:08:07.198Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.timeout-threads                                                    1                                                                          1                                                                          Total number of timeout threads
2023-08-18T16:08:07.198Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                               [REDACTED]                                                                 [REDACTED]
2023-08-18T16:08:07.198Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                                   ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.198Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.http-client.https.hostname-verification                                        true                                                                       true                                                                       Verify that server hostname matches the server certificate
2023-08-18T16:08:07.198Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.admin.enabled                                                               false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.198Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.admin.threads.max                                                           200                                                                        200
2023-08-18T16:08:07.198Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.admin.threads.min                                                           2                                                                          2
2023-08-18T16:08:07.198Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.admin.port                                                                  0                                                                          0
2023-08-18T16:08:07.199Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.http2.session-receive-window-size                                           16MB                                                                       16MB                                                                       Initial size of session's flow control receive window for HTTP/2
2023-08-18T16:08:07.199Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                            16MB                                                                       16MB                                                                       Initial size of stream's flow control receive window for HTTP/2
2023-08-18T16:08:07.199Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.http2.input-buffer-size                                                     8kB                                                                        8kB                                                                        Size of the buffer used to read from the network for HTTP/2
2023-08-18T16:08:07.199Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.http2.max-concurrent-streams                                                16384                                                                      16384                                                                      Maximum concurrent streams per connection for HTTP/2
2023-08-18T16:08:07.199Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                                   15.00s                                                                     15.00s
2023-08-18T16:08:07.199Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.accept-queue-size                                                           8000                                                                       8000
2023-08-18T16:08:07.199Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.http.acceptor-threads                                                       ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.199Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.http.enabled                                                                true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.199Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.http.port                                                                   8080                                                                       8085
2023-08-18T16:08:07.199Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.http.selector-threads                                                       ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.199Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.https.acceptor-threads                                                      ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.199Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.https.enabled                                                               false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.199Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.https.selector-threads                                                      ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.199Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.log.compression.enabled                                                     true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.199Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.log.enabled                                                                 true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.199Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.log.max-history                                                             15                                                                         15
2023-08-18T16:08:07.199Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.log.max-size                                                                100MB                                                                      100MB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.199Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.log.path                                                                    var/log/http-request.log                                                   var/log/http-request.log
2023-08-18T16:08:07.199Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.log.queue-size                                                              10000                                                                      10000
2023-08-18T16:08:07.199Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.max-request-header-size                                                     ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.199Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.max-response-header-size                                                    ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.199Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.threads.max                                                                 200                                                                        200
2023-08-18T16:08:07.199Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.threads.min                                                                 2                                                                          2
2023-08-18T16:08:07.199Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                                           200.00s                                                                    200.00s
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.process-forwarded                                                           false                                                                      true                                                                       Process Forwarded and X-Forwarded headers (for proxied environments)
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                                            true                                                                       true                                                                       Show the stack trace when generating an error response
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.threads.max-idle-time                                                       1.00m                                                                      1.00m
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.auth.users-file                                                             ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   jmx.rmiregistry.port                                                                    ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   jmx.rmiserver.port                                                                      ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node.binary-spec                                                                        ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node.config-spec                                                                        ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node.environment                                                                        ----                                                                       prod
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node.internal-address-source                                                            IP                                                                         IP
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node.location                                                                           ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node.bind-ip                                                                            ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node.external-address                                                                   ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                                                                 ----                                                                       container_e68_1686248056844_88906_01_000363
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node.internal-address                                                                   ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node.pool                                                                               general                                                                    general
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   openmetrics.jmx-object-names                                                            []                                                                         []                                                                         JMX object names to include when retrieving all metrics.
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   aggregation-operator-unspill-memory-limit                                               4MB                                                                        4MB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   legacy.allow-set-view-authorization                                                     false                                                                      false                                                                      For security reasons ALTER VIEW SET AUTHORIZATION is disabled for SECURITY DEFINER; setting this option to true will re-enable this functionality
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.compression-enabled                                                            false                                                                      true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                                    ABORT                                                                      ABORT
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                    true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   filter-and-project-min-output-page-row-count                                            256                                                                        256
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   filter-and-project-min-output-page-size                                                 500kB                                                                      500kB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   force-spilling-join-operator                                                            false                                                                      true                                                                       Force spilling join operator in favour of the non-spilling one even when there is no spill
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   hide-inaccessible-columns                                                               false                                                                      false                                                                      When enabled non-accessible columns are silently filtered from results from SELECT * statements
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   incremental-hash-array-load-factor.enabled                                              true                                                                       true                                                                       Use smaller load factor for small hash arrays in order to improve performance
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   experimental.late-materialization.enabled                                               false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.200Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   deprecated.legacy-catalog-roles                                                         false                                                                      false                                                                      Enable legacy role management syntax that assumed all roles are catalog scoped
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   legacy.materialized-view-grace-period                                                   false                                                                      false                                                                      Enable legacy handling of stale materialized views
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   analyzer.max-grouping-sets                                                              2048                                                                       2048
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   max-recursion-depth                                                                     10                                                                         10                                                                         Maximum recursion depth for recursive common table expression
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   memory-revoking-target                                                                  0.5                                                                        0.2                                                                        When revoking memory, try to revoke so much that pool is filled below target at the end
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   memory-revoking-threshold                                                               0.9                                                                        0.4                                                                        Revoke memory when memory pool is filled over threshold
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   deprecated.omit-datetime-type-precision                                                 false                                                                      false                                                                      Enable compatibility mode for legacy clients when rendering datetime type names with default precision
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   pages-index.eager-compaction-enabled                                                    false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   parse-decimal-literals-as-double                                                        false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   re2j.dfa-retries                                                                        5                                                                          5
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   re2j.dfa-states-limit                                                                   2147483647                                                                 2147483647
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   redistribute-writes                                                                     true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   regex-library                                                                           JONI                                                                       JONI
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   scale-writers                                                                           true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   spill-enabled                                                                           false                                                                      true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   spiller-max-used-space-threshold                                                        0.9                                                                        0.9
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   spiller-spill-path                                                                      []                                                                         [/data2/trino-spill]
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   spiller-threads                                                                         4                                                                          2
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   writer-min-size                                                                         32MB                                                                       32MB                                                                       Target minimum size of writer output when scaling writers
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                                                      STATIC                                                                     STATIC
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   catalog.config-dir                                                                      etc/catalog                                                                etc/catalog
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   catalog.disabled-catalogs                                                               ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   event-listener.config-files                                                             []                                                                         []
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   enable-coordinator-dynamic-filters-distribution                                         true                                                                       true                                                                       Enable distribution of dynamic filters from coordinator to all workers
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   enable-dynamic-filtering                                                                true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   enable-large-dynamic-filters                                                            false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   dynamic-filtering.large-broadcast.max-distinct-values-per-driver                        5000                                                                       5000
2023-08-18T16:08:07.201Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   dynamic-filtering.large-broadcast.max-size-per-driver                                   500kB                                                                      500kB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   dynamic-filtering.large-broadcast.max-size-per-operator                                 5MB                                                                        5MB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   dynamic-filtering.large-broadcast.range-row-limit-per-driver                            10000                                                                      10000
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   dynamic-filtering.large.max-size-per-filter                                             5MB                                                                        5MB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   dynamic-filtering.large-partitioned.max-distinct-values-per-driver                      500                                                                        500
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   dynamic-filtering.large-partitioned.max-size-per-driver                                 50kB                                                                       50kB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   dynamic-filtering.large-partitioned.max-size-per-operator                               500kB                                                                      500kB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   dynamic-filtering.large-partitioned.range-row-limit-per-driver                          1000                                                                       1000
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   dynamic-filtering.small-broadcast.max-distinct-values-per-driver                        200                                                                        200
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   dynamic-filtering.small-broadcast.max-size-per-driver                                   20kB                                                                       20kB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   dynamic-filtering.small-broadcast.max-size-per-operator                                 200kB                                                                      200kB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   dynamic-filtering.small-broadcast.range-row-limit-per-driver                            400                                                                        400
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   dynamic-filtering.small.max-size-per-filter                                             1MB                                                                        1MB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   dynamic-filtering.small-partitioned.max-distinct-values-per-driver                      20                                                                         20
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   dynamic-filtering.small-partitioned.max-size-per-driver                                 10kB                                                                       10kB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   dynamic-filtering.small-partitioned.max-size-per-operator                               100kB                                                                      100kB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   dynamic-filtering.small-partitioned.range-row-limit-per-driver                          100                                                                        100
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   failure-injection.expiration-period                                                     10.00m                                                                     10.00m                                                                     Period after which an injected failure is considered expired and will no longer be triggering a failure
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   failure-injection.request-timeout                                                       2.00m                                                                      2.00m                                                                      Period after which requests blocked to emulate a timeout are released
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.client.timeout                                                                    5.00m                                                                      15.00m
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.remote-task.enable-adaptive-request-size                                          true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   fault-tolerant-execution-arbitrary-distribution-compute-task-target-size-growth-factor  1.2                                                                        1.2                                                                        Growth factor for adaptive sizing of non-writer tasks of arbitrary distribution for fault-tolerant execution
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   fault-tolerant-execution-arbitrary-distribution-compute-task-target-size-growth-period  64                                                                         64                                                                         The number of tasks we create for given non-writer stage of arbitrary distribution before we increase task size
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   fault-tolerant-execution-arbitrary-distribution-compute-task-target-size-max            50GB                                                                       50GB                                                                       Max target input size for non-writer task of arbitrary distribution of fault-tolerant execution
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   fault-tolerant-execution-arbitrary-distribution-compute-task-target-size-min            512MB                                                                      512MB                                                                      Initial/min target input size for non-writer tasks of arbitrary distribution of fault-tolerant execution
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   fault-tolerant-execution-arbitrary-distribution-write-task-target-size-growth-factor    1.2                                                                        1.2                                                                        Growth factor for adaptive sizing of writer tasks of arbitrary distribution for fault-tolerant execution
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   fault-tolerant-execution-arbitrary-distribution-write-task-target-size-growth-period    64                                                                         64                                                                         The number of tasks we create for given writer stage of arbitrary distribution before we increase task size
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   fault-tolerant-execution-arbitrary-distribution-write-task-target-size-max              50GB                                                                       50GB                                                                       Max target input size for writer tasks of arbitrary distribution of fault-tolerant execution
2023-08-18T16:08:07.202Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   fault-tolerant-execution-arbitrary-distribution-write-task-target-size-min              4GB                                                                        4GB                                                                        Initial/min target input size for writer tasks of arbitrary distribution of fault-tolerant execution
2023-08-18T16:08:07.203Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   experimental.fault-tolerant-execution-force-preferred-write-partitioning-enabled        true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.203Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   fault-tolerant-execution-hash-distribution-compute-task-target-size                     512MB                                                                      512MB                                                                      Target input size for non-writer tasks of hash distribution of fault-tolerant execution
2023-08-18T16:08:07.203Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   fault-tolerant-execution-hash-distribution-write-task-target-max-count                  2000                                                                       2000                                                                       Soft upper bound on number of writer tasks in a stage of hash distribution of fault-tolerant execution
2023-08-18T16:08:07.203Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   fault-tolerant-execution-hash-distribution-write-task-target-size                       4GB                                                                        4GB                                                                        Target input size of writer tasks of hash distribution of fault-tolerant execution
2023-08-18T16:08:07.203Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   fault-tolerant-execution-max-task-split-count                                           256                                                                        256                                                                        Maximal number of splits for a single fault tolerant task (count based)
2023-08-18T16:08:07.203Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   fault-tolerant-execution-partition-count                                                50                                                                         50                                                                         Number of partitions for distributed joins and aggregations executed with fault tolerant execution enabled
2023-08-18T16:08:07.203Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   fault-tolerant-execution-standard-split-size                                            64MB                                                                       64MB                                                                       Standard split size for a single fault tolerant task (split weight aware)
2023-08-18T16:08:07.203Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   fault-tolerant-execution-task-descriptor-storage-max-memory                             3543348019B                                                                3543348019B                                                                Maximum amount of memory to be used to store task descriptors for fault tolerant queries on coordinator
2023-08-18T16:08:07.203Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.max-concurrent-queries                                                            1000                                                                       1000
2023-08-18T16:08:07.203Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.max-hash-partition-count                                                          100                                                                        100                                                                        Maximum number of partitions for distributed joins and aggregations
2023-08-18T16:08:07.203Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.max-history                                                                       100                                                                        300
2023-08-18T16:08:07.203Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.max-length                                                                        1000000                                                                    1000000
2023-08-18T16:08:07.203Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.max-queued-queries                                                                5000                                                                       5000
2023-08-18T16:08:07.203Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.remote-task.max-request-size                                                      8MB                                                                        8MB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.203Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.max-stage-count                                                                   150                                                                        300
2023-08-18T16:08:07.203Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.max-state-machine-callback-threads                                                5                                                                          5                                                                          The maximum number of threads allowed to run query and stage state machine listener callbacks concurrently for each query
2023-08-18T16:08:07.203Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   max-tasks-waiting-for-execution-per-query                                               10                                                                         10                                                                         Maximum number of tasks waiting to be scheduled per query. Split enumeration is paused by the scheduler when this threshold is crossed
2023-08-18T16:08:07.203Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   max-tasks-waiting-for-node-per-stage                                                    5                                                                          5                                                                          Maximum possible number of tasks waiting for node allocation per stage before scheduling of new tasks for stage is paused
2023-08-18T16:08:07.203Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.max-writer-task-count                                                             100                                                                        100                                                                        Maximum number of tasks that will participate in writing data
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.min-hash-partition-count                                                          4                                                                          4                                                                          Minimum number of partitions for distributed joins and aggregations
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.min-expire-age                                                                    15.00m                                                                     180.00m
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.min-schedule-split-batch-size                                                     100                                                                        100
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.execution-policy                                                                  phased                                                                     phased
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.executor-pool-size                                                                1000                                                                       1000
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.manager-executor-pool-size                                                        5                                                                          10
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.max-cpu-time                                                                      1000000000.00d                                                             1000000000.00d
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.max-execution-time                                                                100.00d                                                                    100.00d
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.max-planning-time                                                                 10.00m                                                                     10.00m
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.max-run-time                                                                      100.00d                                                                    100.00d
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.max-scan-physical-bytes                                                           ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.reported-rule-stats-limit                                                         10                                                                         10
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query-retry-attempts                                                                    4                                                                          4
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.remote-task.guaranteed-splits-per-task                                            3                                                                          3
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.remote-task.max-callback-threads                                                  1000                                                                       5000
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.remote-task.max-error-duration                                                    5.00m                                                                      5.00m
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.remote-task.min-error-duration                                                    5.00m                                                                      5.00m
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.remote-task.request-size-headroom                                                 2MB                                                                        2MB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query-manager.required-workers                                                          1                                                                          1                                                                          Minimum number of active workers that must be available before a query will start
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query-manager.required-workers-max-wait                                                 5.00m                                                                      5.00m                                                                      Maximum time to wait for minimum number of workers before the query is failed
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   retry-delay-scale-factor                                                                2.0                                                                        2.0                                                                        Factor by which retry delay is scaled on subsequent failures
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   retry-initial-delay                                                                     10.00s                                                                     10.00s                                                                     Initial delay before initiating a retry attempt. Delay increases exponentially for each subsequent attempt up to 'retry_max_delay'
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   retry-max-delay                                                                         1.00m                                                                      1.00m                                                                      Maximum delay before initiating a retry attempt. Delay increases exponentially for each subsequent attempt starting from 'retry_initial_delay'
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   retry-policy                                                                            NONE                                                                       NONE
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.schedule-split-batch-size                                                         1000                                                                       1000
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.stage-count-warning-threshold                                                     50                                                                         50                                                                         Emit a warning when stage count exceeds this threshold
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task-retry-attempts-per-task                                                            4                                                                          4
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.client.timeout                                                                     2.00m                                                                      2.00m
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.http-response-threads                                                              100                                                                        5000
2023-08-18T16:08:07.204Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.http-timeout-threads                                                               3                                                                          3
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                                                       15.00m                                                                     15.00m
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                                               3.00s                                                                      3.00s                                                                      Interval between updating task data
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.initial-splits-per-node                                                            80                                                                         16
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.interrupt-stuck-split-tasks-detection-interval                                     2.00m                                                                      2.00m                                                                      Interval between detecting stuck split
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.interrupt-stuck-split-tasks-enabled                                                true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.interrupt-stuck-split-tasks-timeout                                                15.00m                                                                     15.00m                                                                     Interrupt task processing thread after this timeout if the thread is stuck in certain external libraries used by Trino functions
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.interrupt-stuck-split-tasks-warning-threshold                                      10.00m                                                                     10.00m                                                                     Print out call stacks and generate JMX metrics for splits running longer than the threshold
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.level-time-multiplier                                                              2                                                                          2                                                                          Factor that determines the target scheduled time for a level relative to the next
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.max-drivers-per-task                                                               2147483647                                                                 2147483647                                                                 Maximum number of drivers a task can run
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.max-index-memory                                                                   64MB                                                                       64MB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.max-local-exchange-buffer-size                                                     32MB                                                                       32MB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   driver.max-page-partitioning-buffer-size                                                32MB                                                                       32MB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.max-partial-aggregation-memory                                                     16MB                                                                       16MB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.max-partial-top-n-memory                                                           16MB                                                                       16MB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.max-worker-threads                                                                 80                                                                         16
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.min-drivers                                                                        160                                                                        32
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.min-drivers-per-task                                                               3                                                                          3                                                                          Minimum number of drivers guaranteed to run per task given there is sufficient work to do
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                               8                                                                          8                                                                          Maximum number of free buffers in the per task partitioned page buffer pool. Setting this to zero effectively disables the pool
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.partitioned-writer-count                                                           32                                                                         32                                                                         Number of local parallel table writers per task when prefer partitioning is used
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.per-operator-cpu-timer-enabled                                                     true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.scale-writers.enabled                                                              true                                                                       true                                                                       Scale the number of concurrent table writers per task based on throughput
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.scale-writers.max-writer-count                                                     20                                                                         20                                                                         Maximum number of writers per task up to which scaling will happen if task.scale-writers.enabled is set
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.share-index-loading                                                                false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   sink.max-broadcast-buffer-size                                                          200MB                                                                      200MB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   sink.max-buffer-size                                                                    32MB                                                                       32MB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.split-concurrency-adjustment-interval                                              100.00ms                                                                   100.00ms
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.statistics-cpu-timer-enabled                                                       true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.status-refresh-max-wait                                                            1.00s                                                                      1.00s
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.concurrency                                                                        32                                                                         16                                                                         Default number of local parallel jobs per worker
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.cpu-timer-enabled                                                                  true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.task-notification-threads                                                          5                                                                          5                                                                          Number of threads used for internal task event notifications
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.termination-timeout                                                                1.00m                                                                      1.00m                                                                      Maximum duration to wait for a task to complete termination before failing the task on the coordinator
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.task-yield-threads                                                                 3                                                                          3                                                                          Number of threads used for setting yield signals
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.writer-count                                                                       1                                                                          1                                                                          Number of local parallel table writers per task when prefer partitioning and task writer scaling are not used
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-scheduler.allowed-no-matching-node-period                                          2.00m                                                                      2.00m                                                                      How long scheduler should wait before failing a query for which hard task requirements (e.g. node exposing specific catalog) cannot be satisfied
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-scheduler.include-coordinator                                                      true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-scheduler.max-adjusted-pending-splits-per-task                                     2000                                                                       2000
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-scheduler.max-splits-per-node                                                      100                                                                        100
2023-08-18T16:08:07.205Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-scheduler.max-unacknowledged-splits-per-task                                       2000                                                                       2000                                                                       Maximum number of leaf splits not yet delivered to a given task
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-scheduler.min-candidates                                                           10                                                                         10
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-scheduler.min-pending-splits-per-task                                              10                                                                         10
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-scheduler.allocator-type                                                           BIN_PACKING                                                                BIN_PACKING
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-scheduler.policy                                                                   UNIFORM                                                                    UNIFORM
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-scheduler.optimized-local-scheduling                                               true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   node-scheduler.splits-balancing-policy                                                  STAGE                                                                      STAGE                                                                      Strategy for balancing new splits on worker nodes
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   warning-collector.max-warnings                                                          2147483647                                                                 2147483647
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   fault-tolerant-execution-coordinator-task-memory                                        2GB                                                                        2GB                                                                        Estimated amount of memory a single coordinator task will use when task level retries are used; value is used when allocating nodes for tasks execution
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   fault-tolerant-execution.memory-requirement-increase-on-worker-crash-enabled            true                                                                       true                                                                       Increase memory requirement for tasks failed due to a suspected worker crash
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   fault-tolerant-execution-task-memory                                                    5GB                                                                        5GB                                                                        Estimated amount of memory a single task will use when task level retries are used; value is used when allocating nodes for tasks execution
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   fault-tolerant-execution-task-memory-estimation-quantile                                0.9                                                                        0.9                                                                        What quantile of memory usage of completed tasks to look at when estimating memory usage for upcoming tasks
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   fault-tolerant-execution-task-memory-growth-factor                                      3.0                                                                        3.0                                                                        Factor by which estimated task memory is increased if task execution runs out of memory; value is used allocating nodes for tasks execution
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   fault-tolerant-execution-task-runtime-memory-estimation-overhead                        1GB                                                                        1GB                                                                        Extra memory to account for when estimating actual task runtime memory consumption
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.low-memory-killer.delay                                                           5.00m                                                                      5.00m                                                                      Delay between cluster running low on memory and invoking killer
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.low-memory-killer.policy                                                          TOTAL_RESERVATION_ON_BLOCKED_NODES                                         NONE
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   task.low-memory-killer.policy                                                           TOTAL_RESERVATION_ON_BLOCKED_NODES                                         NONE
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.max-memory                                                                        20GB                                                                       480GB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.max-total-memory                                                                  40GB                                                                       960GB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   memory.heap-headroom-per-node                                                           7086696038B                                                                7086696038B                                                                The amount of heap memory to set aside as headroom/buffer (e.g., for untracked allocations)
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query.max-memory-per-node                                                               7086696038B                                                                8GB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.acknowledge-pages                                                              true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.client-threads                                                                 25                                                                         3
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.concurrent-request-multiplier                                                  3                                                                          3
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.deduplication-buffer-size                                                      32MB                                                                       32MB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.max-buffer-size                                                                32MB                                                                       32MB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.max-error-duration                                                             5.00m                                                                      5.00m
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.max-response-size                                                              16MB                                                                       16MB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   exchange.min-error-duration                                                             5.00m                                                                      5.00m
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                        25                                                                         25
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   access-control.config-files                                                             []                                                                         []
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   internal-communication.http2.enabled                                                    false                                                                      false                                                                      Enable the HTTP/2 transport
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   internal-communication.https.required                                                   false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   internal-communication.https.keystore.key                                               [REDACTED]                                                                 [REDACTED]
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   internal-communication.https.keystore.path                                              ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   internal-communication.shared-secret                                                    [REDACTED]                                                                 [REDACTED]
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   internal-communication.https.truststore.key                                             [REDACTED]                                                                 [REDACTED]
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   internal-communication.https.truststore.path                                            ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   jmx.base-name                                                                           trino                                                                      trino
2023-08-18T16:08:07.206Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   protocol.v1.alternate-header-name                                                       ----                                                                       Presto                                                                     Alternate header name for V1 protocol
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   protocol.v1.prepared-statement-compression.min-gain                                     512                                                                        512                                                                        Prepared statement compression is not applied if the size gain is less than the configured value
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   protocol.v1.prepared-statement-compression.length-threshold                             2048                                                                       2048                                                                       Compression is applied to prepared statements longer than the configured value
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   experimental.concurrent-startup                                                         false                                                                      false                                                                      Parallelize work during server startup
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   coordinator                                                                             true                                                                       false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   shutdown.grace-period                                                                   2.00m                                                                      2.00m
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http.include-exception-in-response                                                      true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap                                                                 ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query-results.compression-enabled                                                       true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   plugin.dir                                                                              plugin                                                                     plugin
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.authentication.insecure.user-mapping.file                                   ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.authentication.insecure.user-mapping.pattern                                ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.authentication.type                                                         [insecure]                                                                 [insecure]                                                                 Ordered list of authentication types
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   management.user                                                                         ----                                                                       ----                                                                       Optional fixed user for all requests to management endpoints
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   management.user.https-enabled                                                           false                                                                      false                                                                      Use fixed management user for secure HTTPS requests
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   http-server.authentication.allow-insecure-over-http                                     true                                                                       true                                                                       Insecure authentication over HTTP (non-secure) enabled
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   max-spill-per-node                                                                      100GB                                                                      200GB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   query-max-spill-per-node                                                                100GB                                                                      150GB
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   spill-compression-enabled                                                               false                                                                      true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   spill-encryption-enabled                                                                false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   sql.default-catalog                                                                     ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   sql.default-schema                                                                      ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   sql.forced-session-time-zone                                                            ----                                                                       ----                                                                       User session time zone overriding value sent by client
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   sql.path                                                                                ----                                                                       ----
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   compiler.expression-cache-size                                                          10000                                                                      10000                                                                      Reuse compiled expressions across multiple queries
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   adaptive-partial-aggregation.enabled                                                    true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   adaptive-partial-aggregation.min-rows                                                   100000                                                                     100000                                                                     Minimum number of processed rows before partial aggregation might be adaptively turned off
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   adaptive-partial-aggregation.unique-rows-ratio-threshold                                0.8                                                                        0.8                                                                        Ratio between aggregation output and input rows above which partial aggregation might be adaptively turned off
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   collect-plan-statistics-for-all-queries                                                 false                                                                      false                                                                      Collect plan statistics for non-EXPLAIN queries
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   colocated-joins-enabled                                                                 true                                                                       true                                                                       Use a colocated join when possible
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.complex-expression-pushdown.enabled                                           true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.207Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   cpu-cost-weight                                                                         75.0                                                                       75.0
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.default-filter-factor-enabled                                                 false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.dictionary-aggregation                                                        false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   distributed-sort                                                                        true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   enable-forced-exchange-below-group-id                                                   true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.enable-intermediate-aggregations                                              false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   enable-stats-calculator                                                                 true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.filter-conjunction-independence-factor                                        0.75                                                                       0.75                                                                       Scales the strength of independence assumption for selectivity estimates of the conjunction of multiple filters
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.force-single-node-output                                                      false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.ignore-downstream-preferences                                                 false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.ignore-stats-calculator-failures                                              true                                                                       true                                                                       Ignore statistics calculator failures
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   iterative-optimizer-timeout                                                             3.00m                                                                      3.00m
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   join-distribution-type                                                                  AUTOMATIC                                                                  AUTOMATIC
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   join-max-broadcast-table-size                                                           100MB                                                                      100MB                                                                      Maximum estimated size of a table that can be broadcast when using automatic join type selection
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.join-multi-clause-independence-factor                                         0.25                                                                       0.25                                                                       Scales the strength of independence assumption for selectivity estimates of multi-clause joins
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.join-partitioned-build-min-row-count                                          1000000                                                                    1000000                                                                    Minimum number of join build side rows required to use partitioned join lookup
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.join-reordering-strategy                                                      AUTOMATIC                                                                  AUTOMATIC                                                                  The strategy to use for reordering joins
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.mark-distinct-strategy                                                        ----                                                                       ----                                                                       Strategy to use for distinct aggregations
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.max-reordered-joins                                                           9                                                                          9                                                                          The maximum number of tables to reorder in cost-based join reordering
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   memory-cost-weight                                                                      10.0                                                                       10.0
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.merge-project-with-values                                                     true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.min-input-rows-per-task                                                       10000000                                                                   10000000                                                                   Minimum input rows required per task. This will help optimizer determine hash partition count for joins and aggregations
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.min-input-size-per-task                                                       5GB                                                                        5GB                                                                        Minimum input data size required per task. This will help optimizer determine hash partition count for joins and aggregations
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   network-cost-weight                                                                     15.0                                                                       15.0
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.non-estimatable-predicate-approximation.enabled                               true                                                                       true                                                                       Approximate the cost of filters which cannot be accurately estimated even with complete statistics
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.optimize-duplicate-insensitive-joins                                          true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.optimize-hash-generation                                                      true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.optimize-metadata-queries                                                     false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.optimize-mixed-distinct-aggregations                                          false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.optimize-top-n-ranking                                                        true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.pre-aggregate-case-aggregations.enabled                                       true                                                                       true                                                                       Pre-aggregate rows before GROUP BY with multiple CASE aggregations on same column
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.predicate-pushdown-use-table-properties                                       true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.prefer-partial-aggregation                                                    true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   preferred-write-partitioning-min-number-of-partitions                                   50                                                                         50                                                                         Use preferred write partitioning when the number of written partitions exceeds the configured threshold
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.push-aggregation-through-outer-join                                           true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.208Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.push-partial-aggregation-through-join                                         false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.209Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.push-table-write-through-union                                                true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.209Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.rewrite-filtering-semi-join-to-inner-join                                     true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.209Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.skip-redundant-sort                                                           true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.209Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   spatial-joins-enabled                                                                   true                                                                       true                                                                       Use spatial index for spatial joins when possible
2023-08-18T16:08:07.209Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   statistics-precalculation-for-pushdown.enabled                                          true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.209Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.table-scan-node-partitioning-min-bucket-to-task-ratio                         0.5                                                                        0.5                                                                        Min table scan bucket to task ratio for which plan will be adopted to node pre-partitioned tables
2023-08-18T16:08:07.209Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.use-cost-based-partitioning                                                   true                                                                       true                                                                       When enabled the cost based optimizer is used to determine if repartitioning the output of an already partitioned stage is necessary
2023-08-18T16:08:07.209Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.use-exact-partitioning                                                        false                                                                      false                                                                      When enabled this forces data repartitioning unless the partitioning of upstream stage matches exactly what downstream stage expects
2023-08-18T16:08:07.209Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.use-legacy-window-filter-pushdown                                             false                                                                      false
2023-08-18T16:08:07.209Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   use-preferred-write-partitioning                                                        true                                                                       true
2023-08-18T16:08:07.209Z    INFO    main    Bootstrap   optimizer.use-table-scan-node-partitioning                                              true   

Would appreciate any comments or help!

pettyjamesm commented 1 year ago

This issue should be fixed as of Trino 423 as a result of a fix in - however, there is reportedly still a similar potential issue with stuck stages / tasks that seems to be specific to fault tolerant executions.

hashhar commented 1 week ago

@pettyjamesm Can this be considered resolved? Or do you mean there's a FTE specific issue remaining?

pettyjamesm commented 1 week ago

This one can be closed. There were discussions about a similar issue in slack at the time, but I’ve lost track of whether there was a follow up fix or whether that issue still exists.

hashhar commented 1 week ago

For FTE it seems it was addressed in