CREATE TABLE iceberg.toto.a (
id uuid NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
a varchar NOT NULL,
format = 'PARQUET',
format_version = 2,
location = 's3://test-bucket/iceberg/toto/a',
parquet_bloom_filter_columns = ARRAY['a'],
partitioning = ARRAY['hour(created_at)']
if I run
USE iceberg.toto;
ALTER TABLE iceberg.toto.a
EXECUTE add_files(
location => 's3://test-bucket/00000-930-31dc8978-e019-4903-910d-26cc48b8ba41-0-00001.parquet',
format => 'PARQUET');
it fail with
SQL Error [30]: Query failed (#20241022_135228_00015_qp3tt): The procedure does not support partitioned tables
but without partitioning = ARRAY['hour(created_at)'] it work
on a partitioned table
if I run
it fail with
but without
partitioning = ARRAY['hour(created_at)']
it work