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Socket.IO Server Library for Java
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Is it possible to send messages from one namespace to a different namespace? #44

Open Ramanth opened 1 year ago

Ramanth commented 1 year ago

currently we are building server and trying to design an asyncapi spec with two channels /errors and /updates. The idea is that client will get regular updates on /updates channel and any errors or warnings in a different /errors channel.

The source of errors could be originating from logic on /updates namespace and we are trying to see if its possible to emit a message into /errors namespace from the logic thats inside the .on listner of /updates namespace?

also we observed the socket id is different when we try to connect as a client to both /updates and /errors channels. are we in the right direction or doing something basically wrong here?

Is it possible to have same socketid or socket for two different namespaces?


  1. we are assuming the channels on asyncapi spec to be analogous to namespace in


trinopoty commented 1 year ago

Hi, If I understand your requirement correctly, you can add the socket to a room based on some identification data. When you want to send a message to the client, you can then broadcast to the room in your namespace.

I will expose some extra stuff to make use cases like this easier in future updates.