tripal / tripal

The Tripal package is a suite of Drupal modules for creating biological (genomic, genetic, breeding) websites. Visit the Tripal homepage at for documentation, support, and other information. The Drupal project page is at
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Revisit schema settings for TripalEntity, TripalField and ChadoField #1999

Open laceysanderson opened 1 month ago

laceysanderson commented 1 month ago

Task Description

Currently we have defined the schema for tripal_entity and its associated fields as we had to in response to automated test schema failures. However, this approach combined with (1) our limited knowledge and (2) lack of Drupal documentation regarding schema definitions, has resulted in a schema definition that does not follow what Drupal expects.

This has resulted in schema errors for any non-Tripal/Chado fields added to TripalEntities as seen in #1915 and is the reason that PR was closed without merge.


Drupal has a number of field specific YAML schema stanzas: field.storage_settings.[field_type], field.field_settings.[field_type], field.value.[type], field.formatter.settings.[formatter], field.widget.settings.[widget].

I think we will want to define stanza's like this for all our fields and include the settings there rather then what we are currently doing. I believe this will allow them to be used auto-magically by Drupal. I'm led to believe this by the stanzas like*.* which defines the config type for settings as field.storage_settings.[%parent.type]. Based on reading that I've done the [%parent.type] notation means "fill this token in with the value of the type key one level above". In this case, that implies that the definition for the settings in all fields will be field.storage_settings.[field_type] which tracks with what I am seeing.


You can check the schema definitions for all of Drupal by implementing hook_config_schema_info_alter in the .module file and then exploring the $definitions array. Each key in this array matches with the key of a config stanza (e.g.*.*). You can then add print_r statements to look at specific stanzas and the printed values will be shown on the command line when you clear the cache.

You will know if you broke the schema by running the automated tests. If the schema is not defined for anything you get annoying errors on EVERY test using an entity or field. For example, the errors caused by the organism field were:

Error adding field, "organism_image", to "organism": Schema errors for with the following errors: missing schema, missing schema, missing schema, missing schema, missing schema