[x] start page, no bottom bar to calculate amount yet, but the top bar is there. 私人定制,请回答一些简单的问题,以便我们了解您的需求。开始定制 (notice the dots on the left shows start "开始“ for the first question, all following questions will show whatever the title)
[x] cities, top bar disappear, still no bottom bar yet 游玩城市, 请选择一个或多个城市, please use all cities displayed on our search drop down menu (including the nz ones)
[x] dates, we can actually show inline calendar for both dates, and instead of a next button, it can go directly to next section after we have selected? 游玩日期,请选择你的游玩日期,请选择开始日期,请选择结束日期
[ ] group size, 游玩人数,请选择你的组团人数,请选择成人人数(>12岁),请选择儿童人数(2-12岁),请选择婴儿人数(<2岁),2个成人,3个成人。。。and so on
[x] interests, 兴趣爱好, i still think the circles takes up a lot of vertical space, perhaps reduce it?
[x] budget, perhaps the budget detail should only appear here, so that it wouldn't take up vertical space on mobile.
[x] selector on the left, current page: large blue dot, other pages: small grey dots, hover page: small blue dot with title text