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Where to set callback URL? #155

Closed econchick closed 7 years ago

econchick commented 9 years ago

Hey folks -

Looking at the authentication docs, in step 2 to get the access token, it says that the callback URL:

... this parameter is optional if you associated a URL with your application when you registered it and obtained your OAuth consumer key and secret.

However, I'm not seeing where I can set it where I've registered my app. It's not the same URL as "URL where a user can learn about your application", is it?


econchick commented 9 years ago

Related - I am always getting "Access Request Failed" when trying to get user authorization, so I assume that it may have to do with the (lack of) callback url being set. Otherwise, not sure what's going on :-/

hliss commented 9 years ago

Hiya Lynn,

I think that part of the documentation is out of date. Thanks for pointing it out!

You should provide a callback URL with your authorization redirect. "Access Request Failed" most commonly refers to a missing callback URL; could also be caused by an expired request token. Make sure the request token presented with the authorization redirect is less than 5 minutes old.

Let us know if that doesn't help? Cheers!


(edit: edited out mail context)

econchick commented 9 years ago

Ah thanks so much - got it to work; it was indeed the timing.

Unrelated question: using the python bindings you supplied, is there any way to request JSON response format?

hliss commented 9 years ago

Hi Lynn, at a glance, the bindings seem... older than our JSON support! It should be only a little bit of hacking the bindings to add the format=json query parameter to your requests (