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alway throw Not authrized when we try to get access token #271

Open ashu4code opened 3 years ago

ashu4code commented 3 years ago

Hi Here is my code. `<?php


$api_url = ''; $api_url_access = ''; $oauth_consumer_key = "*"; $oauth_consumer_secret = "*****"; $oauth_credential = new OAuthConsumerCredential($oauth_consumer_key, $oauth_consumer_secret); $tripit = new TripIt($oauth_credential, $api_url); $outhArr=$tripit->get_request_token(); $request_token=$outhArr['oauth_token']; $request_token_secret=$outhArr['oauth_token_secret']; $oauth_credential1 = new OAuthConsumerCredential($oauth_consumer_key, $oauth_consumer_secret, $request_token, $request_token_secret);

$tripit1 = new TripIt($oauth_credential1, $api_url_access);

$final_accesstoken=$tripit1->get_access_token(); echo '

'; print_r($final_accesstoken); die;


always getting Not authorized in response kindly help me