triplea-maps / world_war_ii_global

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Update Ozteas_1941_Global_Setup.xml #31

Closed beelee1 closed 6 years ago

beelee1 commented 6 years ago

think it worked this time

ssoloff commented 6 years ago

@beelee1 Looks good. I converted some tabs to spaces to ensure consistency with the rest of the file (but mostly to keep my OCD at bay :smile:).

I'm not really an expert on this map, so I'm going to leave the PR open for another 24 hours to see if @simon33-2 or @panther2 have any comments. Otherwise, I'll merge it tomorrow.

beelee1 commented 6 years ago

Looks good. I converted some tabs to spaces to ensure consistency with the rest of the file (but mostly to keep my OCD at bay :smile:).

heh heh Thanks for that. A tidy place is a happy space : )

panther2 commented 6 years ago

@beelee1 @ssoloff

The game related changes look good.

The only remark I have is that I would not touch the game version (so leave it at 3.9) for now.

The reason is as follows:

The game version (IIRC) has its origin back in those days when the Global1940 (OOB) map reflected the so-called Alpha3.0-3.9-status. That was a predecessor of the final Global 2nd edition ruleset. Some derived xml in this repository (including this setup modification) simply left that untouched.

Until today there have been continuous changes to the this map repository that never influenced or changed the map version inside the xml. Actually no one (including me) ever touched the xml-game-version (3.9) for years. Maybe no one felt responisble for that.

So I would recommend (to all of us) to leave it untouched for now and better think of a map-versioning system that makes some sense (for example harmonize the map version with the triplea_maps.yaml version).

beelee1 commented 6 years ago

@panther2 right on I'll redo it leaving at 3.9 I'll need to do the yaml thing again also. Have to relearn that too : )

ssoloff commented 6 years ago

I'll redo it leaving at 3.9

@beelee1 Note that you can just edit the file in this PR--no need to redo all the changes in a new PR.

Just click the Files changed tab at the top of the page, then click the Change this file using the online editor button (pencil) like you did when you originally made the changes. At the bottom of that page, make sure Commit directly to the oztea-continue-trying branch is selected before clicking the Commit changes button.

beelee1 commented 6 years ago

Cool thanks ssoloff

simon33-2 commented 6 years ago

I would disagree about leaving it at 3.9. That's been a bit of stupidity for a long time. You can't easily tell if you have an upgrade.

beelee1 commented 6 years ago

@simon33-2 that's why I changed it in the first place. So I could tell the difference. Anyway w/e you guys think best. Saw some people playing it on the lobby a couple weeks ago and the island issue came up. Just trying to fix it

beelee1 commented 6 years ago

hmm...well didn't think changing 4 lines on the xml was going to be this difficult. Guess i'm just a stupid fucker.

Not a popular map but when someone gets burned after 4-6 hours of play because Java doesn't turn into US controlled and people start arguing about it ...

Sorry. I'll walk away and try again later.

ssoloff commented 6 years ago

@beelee1 @simon33-2 I agree with you both that updating the version seems natural and would be helpful for "bookkeeping" purposes. However, @panther2 provides a compelling argument for why this hasn't been done in the past. I would suggest a new issue be opened in the triplea-maps/Project repo so we can get a clear direction going forward on how the map version in the XML file should be managed. I know @RoiExLab and @DanVanAtta have discussed this recently (albeit peripherally) in triplea-game/triplea#2637.

Since the game-related changes in this PR have received tacit approval, I'm going to go ahead and merge it.

Thanks for the fix, @beelee1! Please follow-up with an update to the _tripleamaps.yaml file in the triple-game/triplea repo.

beelee1 commented 6 years ago

Apologies again

Thanks for merging. reading up on the yaml thing now

beelee1 commented 6 years ago

wow. i must be a complete idiot. triplea_maps.yaml comes up as a no go. Not sure how to proceed

ssoloff commented 6 years ago

@beelee1 What's the no-go condition exactly? Is it because your fork is so far behind the upstream repo? Take a look at this SO question which describes how you can issue a PR to your own fork to get the master branches in sync. From that point, it should be identical to how you submitted this PR (obviously minus the actual changes).

Alternatively, you could delete and re-create your fork if you don't have any dangling branches in there you want to keep around.

beelee1 commented 6 years ago

Thank you ssoloff nothing came up when I searched it on git = the no go. I'll try your stuff.

Thanks for your time. I know you have other things you'd prefer to do : )

ssoloff commented 6 years ago

No problem, @beelee1. Teach a man to fish and all that. :smile:

nothing came up when I searched it on git

The file you're looking for in your repo is (the same file in the upstream repo is