trippo / ResponsiveFilemanager

Completely Responsive Filemanager with integration for tinyMCE,CKEditor and CLEditor editor
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Responsive filemanager and php 8 #643

Open cfconsultancy opened 3 years ago

cfconsultancy commented 3 years ago

Run a test on php 8 and there are several issues. Started with

mb_http_input('UTF-8'); Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: mb_http_input(): Argument #1 ($type) must be one of "G", "P", "C", "S", "I", or "L"

Deprecated: usort(): Returning bool from comparison function is deprecated, return an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero in

And uploading fails. No error reporting about any issues and thumbs are not created.

All works fine in the latest php 7.x

The problem is I don't see any error messages, so if anyone knows hot to set error reporting on , or has the filemanager used to many @ ?

Syxton commented 3 years ago

Seeing the same thing when we tried to test php 8 this morning.

phamgiahung1368 commented 3 years ago

@cfconsultancy it upload image via ajax so you can see the error in response message from the server

Maybe we need to wait for the author or some contributor make a pr to make this lib compatible with php 8

Due to the change in PHP 8 changelog, imagecreatefromjpeg() function will return an object instead of resource, so change 2 line of code in this following file will make the upload function work


if ( ! is_resource($this->imageResized))


if (  ! $this->imageResized instanceof \GdImage )
servettorer commented 1 year ago

Hello, I'm Servet. Here's how to solve the PHP8 problem of Responsive File Manager Library.

Step 1: config/config.php in mb_internal_encoding(); mb_http_output(); mb_http_input(); mb_language('uni'); ob_start('mb_output_handler');

Step 2: This : if ( ! is_resource($this->imageResized)) change to if ( ! $this->imageResized instanceof \GdImage )

The problem will be solved.