trippo / ResponsiveFilemanager

Completely Responsive Filemanager with integration for tinyMCE,CKEditor and CLEditor editor
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Filemanager standalone open sporadic with wrong path #649

Open Rappi opened 3 years ago

Rappi commented 3 years ago

Hello, I open filemanager in an iframe and pass a specific directory each time.

The structure looks like this:

|filemanager |modules -Tier-Management

The config looks like this:

` 'upload_dir' => 'modules/', 'current_path' => '../modules/',


the call from ' modules/Tier-Management/file.php' looks like this:

$_SESSION['RF']['subfolder'] ='Tier-Management/documents/animals/'.$xid; $_SESSION['RF']['language'] = "de";

Now sometimes it happens that filemanager doesn't start in the passed path, but in the 'current_path' from config. This is not reproducible and happens only sporadically.

Does anyone know this and is there a solution?
