trippo / ResponsiveFilemanager

Completely Responsive Filemanager with integration for tinyMCE,CKEditor and CLEditor editor
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version = "9.14.0", why folder containing large number of files, loading time ? #704

Closed gagaltotal closed 1 year ago

gagaltotal commented 1 year ago

Added ability to dynamically load files in a folder containing large number of files. This significantly reduces loading time ?

I have followed this method : // Enable "Load more" functionality 'load_more' => false, // Number of files/folders displayed at once // Should be greater than "file_number_limit_js" 'load_more_limit' => 120, // Enable auto-loading on scroll 'load_more_auto' => true,

issue Added support for "Load more" feature :

is there any other way there is no long loading ? when opening the folder want to upload a file ?

gagaltotal commented 1 year ago

solved, thanks... I did my own experiment, with the previous version I configured it to version 9.14