trippo / ResponsiveFilemanager

Completely Responsive Filemanager with integration for tinyMCE,CKEditor and CLEditor editor
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File manager not working with Fancybox 4 #724

Open andryshok opened 1 year ago

andryshok commented 1 year ago

Hello. File manager not working with Fancybox 4 .... and not work callback function for select file Any ideas?

jshster commented 1 year ago

Andry, have you checked your Javascript console for errors and your PHP error log? Also what version of RFM are you using?

andryshok commented 1 year ago

There are no errors in the console. But as I understand it, this is due to the fact that fancybox 4 not uses jquery. What could be the way out of this?

jshster commented 1 year ago

What version of the file manager are you using? I'm going to guess you're on Version 9.14 but there have been a heap of recent updates that for whatever reason haven't even triggered an update to the minor version number. Hard to say which one. The other thing you didn't mention was what's actually going wrong. You say "doesn't work". What specifically is going wrong? Please be specific with steps to replicate.

andryshok commented 1 year ago

Now, fancybox not use jquery Filemanager close window function parent.jQuery.fancybox.getInstance().close() but this code not working for actual fancybox version I use file manager vesion - master from this repo. It would be good if the project was updated at least somehow, but this does not happen, I could not find alternatives open source and work with php 8^. The author abandoned the project, and I do not have enough knowledge to make big edits there.

jshster commented 1 year ago

OK... yep, I think I've run into the same issue. I've started using an alternative to Fancybox which means I had to code my own close method. Don't think the project has been abandoned, as Alberto has been making commits in the past couple of weeks. Just nothing official so don't lose hope! I'm the same as you. I haven't found an alternative yet that has anywhere this level of functionality or doesn't cost the earth or have pricing structures that don't work for a freelancer!

Leave it with me and I'll see if I can find the answer.

andryshok commented 1 year ago

I agree with you. It's good if the project lives. I can't give up fancybox4, but I think to come up with workarounds with the wrong solution, so I think how to turn to fancybox4 without jquery.