trippo / ResponsiveFilemanager

Completely Responsive Filemanager with integration for tinyMCE,CKEditor and CLEditor editor
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Date sorting bug in dialog.php version PHP 8 #734

Open winr777 opened 3 months ago

winr777 commented 3 months ago

Hi, I saw that with or without the parameter in the url "&sort_by=date" the files were not properly sorted by date. So I modified the following line in dialog.php version PHP 8:

? $x['date'] <=> $y['date'] : $y['date'] <=> $x['date'];

by the lines

? $x['date'] < $y['date'] : $y['date'] >= $x['date'];

I think it should also be modified on the lines 904 "size" and lines 920 "extension" .

good day to all