trisbee / fe-cloud-run-example

Example project running on Google Cloud Run with CI/CD automatization via Github Actions. Each Pull Request have own testing URL like you know from @vercel.
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Allow unauthenticated #19

Open landsman opened 4 years ago

landsman commented 4 years ago
   --max-instances=5 \
    --cpu=1000m \
    --memory=256Mi \
    --allow-unauthenticated \
    --platform managed \
  shell: /bin/bash -e ***0***
    REGION: europe-west1
    PROJECT_NAME: trisbee-staging
    SERVICE_NAME: fe-cloud-run-example-pr-18
    APP_PORT: 3000
    CLOUDSDK_METRICS_ENVIRONMENT: github-actions-setup-gcloud
    GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: /home/runner/work/fe-cloud-run-example/fe-cloud-run-example/ad178834-f36f-4e04-b1c3-abe3ce212931
DEBUG: Running [] with arguments: [--allow-unauthenticated: "True", --cpu: "1000m", --image: "", --max-instances: "< object at 0x7faca0a53780>", --memory: "256Mi", --platform: "managed", --port: "3000", --project: "trisbee-staging", --region: "europe-west1", --verbosity: "debug", SERVICE: "fe-cloud-run-example-pr-18"]
Deploying container to Cloud Run service [fe-cloud-run-example-pr-18] in project [trisbee-staging] region [europe-west1]
Deploying new service...
Setting IAM Policy....................warning
Creating Revision.....................................................................done
Routing traffic.....................done
Completed with warnings:
  Setting IAM policy failed, try "gcloud beta run services add-iam-policy-binding --region=europe-west1 --member=allUsers --role=roles/run.invoker fe-cloud-run-example-pr-18"
Service [fe-cloud-run-example-pr-18] revision [fe-cloud-run-example-pr-18-00001-qem] has been deployed and is serving 100 percent of traffic at
landsman commented 4 years ago

aktualni branch:
