trishume / eyeLike

A webcam based pupil tracking implementation.
MIT License
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Error loading face cascade #20

Closed trouperk closed 6 years ago

trouperk commented 6 years ago

I am looking for a little guidance resolving an error trying to run eyeLike. I am new-ish to the opencv world, so I may be missing something very simple. I followed the install directions and did not receive any errors. When attempting to run the eyeLike executable it gives me the following error:

--(!)Error loading face cascade, please change face_cascade_name in source code.

I have reviewed the open issues here and #17 in particular. I tried changing the file path in main.cpp, I tried moving the face_cascade to the same folder (with script updated to reflect that), and I've tried using the full file path with no luck.

I am running opencv 3.3.0 on a raspberry pi 2 running raspbian stretch. Could my issue lie with using opencv3 instead of opencv2?

Any help would be much appreciated!

trishume commented 6 years ago

Hmmm, I think I've tested it with OpenCV 3 before and it worked, so I don't think that alone is it. Note that if you're using relative paths, the path is relative to the directory that you run eyeLike from, not the directory the executable is in, or the root of the project. You can also try using an absolute path just temporarily for testing.

trouperk commented 6 years ago

That did the trick! The issue was that I was making the file path relative to the executable rather than the directory I was running it from. Thanks for the quick feedback and thanks for sharing what you've put together here! I have been looking for a compiled (non-python pygame based) eye tracker that I can pull pupil coords (x,y) to use for ocular reflex testing and research. Thanks again.