tristandunn / pusher-fake

A fake Pusher server for development and testing.
MIT License
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pusher-fake isn't working properly with spring/guard #40

Closed ingolfured closed 4 years ago

ingolfured commented 9 years ago

I'm running Rails 3.2 with guard 2.12.5, spring 1.3.3 and pusher-fake 1.3.0. When run my test the second time, it seems like the pusher-fake assign another port which is not being updated by spring. The error I'm getting is Connection refused - connect(2) ( (Errno::ECONNREFUSED) (Pusher::HTTPError) on every spec I run. When I do spring stop and run it again, everything seems fine. Don't know if I should post this here or at spring/guard but what do you guys think?

tristandunn commented 9 years ago

I'm not super familiar with spring and guard configuration, but is it similar to Zeus? If so it's probably worth checking out which fixes the same issue here. You basically only want the server and configuration to be run once. If not I can try digging around in the near future.

FYI I left the other issue open and will leave this issue open once resolved as I'd like to provide instructions and possibly better integration for all three libraries.

HamptonMakes commented 9 years ago

Yeah, this is a side-effect of the weird launch-server-on-require logic that I'm always poking about ranting about... AND THAT I AM TOTALLY GOING TO FIX, PROMISE.

To get around this on wordset, I'm doing the following:

  config.before(:suite) do
    #DatabaseCleaner.orm = "mongoid"
    DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation

    require 'pusher-fake/support/base'

And, my initializers/pusher.rb looks like this now:

require 'pusher'

if Rails.env == "production"
  Pusher.url = ENV["PUSHER_URL"]
  Pusher.logger = Rails.logger
  Pusher.app_id = "wordset"
  Pusher.key = "key"
  Pusher.secret = "mybigsecret"
  if Rails.env.development?
    require 'pusher-fake/support/base'
tristandunn commented 4 years ago

Guessing this is fine to close after five years. Feel free to open a new issue or submit a patch with instructions if you have it working now.