tristanjahier / zoho-crm-php

An API client for Zoho CRM, written in PHP.
MIT License
23 stars 12 forks source link

Have you submitted to #1

Closed cornernote closed 6 years ago

cornernote commented 8 years ago

I see you have a composer.json, however the package doesn't exist here:

Please consider submitting the package here:

tristanjahier commented 8 years ago

Hello @cornernote! You're right, I should publish this package on Packagist, and it is planned. But I was waiting for my library to be stable and complete enough.

I am using this library in a private application and this is the way I am testing it. I still don't feel like this library is mature enough. Not every API method is supported yet and my code lacks documentation.

Anyway, thank you for your interest. 👍

jsiebach commented 8 years ago

I think it is always nice to include it on packagist anyway. You can label this as a dev branch and let people know it's not production ready, but even so it will help people to include it in their programs and maybe even contribute with a pull request. I'm using it to build a new app and would be willing to contribute if I find a way!

tristanjahier commented 8 years ago

Hello @jsiebach and thanks for your message.

Ok I'll consider publishing it on packagist sooner. But not in july because I have a huge workload at the moment. :/

Concerning the contributions, I don't think I'll accept pull requests until I reach a certain point when I will be sure about some things, for example naming conventions, coding style and the design of the library itself. As I already said, this is not stable enough and I'm not sure myself about some stuff. I will write a file when I'm ready.

However, I'll gladly accept issues to report bugs and improvement suggestions as for now! :+1:

tristanjahier commented 6 years ago

Hello again @cornernote and @jsiebach!

I just wanted to let you know that this library has now an official publication on! 🎉🍾

It is tagged 0.1.0 and is still a pre-release.

You can now remove this GitHub repository from your composer.json and change the require instruction accordingly:

"require": {
    "tristanjahier/zoho-crm-php": "^0.1"

And yes it took (some) time. 😅