tristannottelman / Sulpog

Go Plus implemetation with display
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Alternative case option #1

Closed rhuba8324 closed 1 month ago

rhuba8324 commented 3 months ago

First, thanks for your incredible works!

I ran into a bit of a snag with the linked cases though. Pulling the USB-C cable seemed to yank the whole thing apart, and apparently some newer T-Displays have screens in a slightly different spot, making most cases a no-go.

So, I whipped up this new enclosure that should fix those problems, while addressing the two known issue you mention! You can check it out here:

Hope you can give it a try. Let me know if there's any issue. Thanks again for the project

tristannottelman commented 2 months ago

@rhuba8324 Wow thank you for creating this awesome design. I'm definitely going to try it and I will let you know the result!

tristannottelman commented 2 months ago

@rhuba8324 Great design! I really appreciate the enhanced stability and the possibility to add a switch. I did have to slightly adjust the height to fit the battery mentioned in the readme. I've included a link to your case in the readme. Thanks once again.

rhuba8324 commented 1 month ago

Glad my design worked for you!