triton-lang / triton

Development repository for the Triton language and compiler
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LLVM ERROR: pthread_create failed: Resource temporarily unavailable #4251

Open jubueche opened 6 days ago

jubueche commented 6 days ago

I developed a Triton kernel that is replacing the Linear layer in a framework that I am currently developing.

This kernel is integrated in the standard way:

class TritonLinear(Function):
    def forward(
        ctx: FunctionCtx,
        inp: Tensor,
        weights: Tensor,
    # call the kernel (actually also call 2 other kernels first)

    def backward(ctx: FunctionCtx, grad_output: Tensor):  # type: ignore
    # do the bwd

My framework also has a "fallback" PyTorch mode. When I use this mode, my model trains fine, but when I use the triton kernel, I eventually get

LLVM ERROR: pthread_create failed: Resource temporarily unavailable

I searched online and only found this issue in the Google/Jax repo: Here, they observed many LLVM worker threads being spawned, eventually leading to this error. I wanted to look at the processes using top -Hp $(pgrep ...) but couldn't manage to see anything useful. I then wanted to see the CPU memory development between the triton and PyTorch version:

Screenshot 2024-07-03 at 15 33 17

The top one is the Triton one and the bottom is the PyTorch one. Since the memory profiler also records the memory recursively for every spawned child subprocess, I could also see that the triton run had many more child processes. Triton run: 3700 Torch: 124 Also one can see that the memory grows linearly for Triton. Also, given that one node in my cluster has >700 GB of RAM, I am quite certain that I am not running out. When doing top, my virtual memory is ~90GB per GPU process (8 in parallel), but the physical memory used per process corresponds to what can be seen in the plot above.

I also wanted to rule out that we don't have a silent GPU OOM, so I profiled the memory:

Screenshot 2024-07-03 at 15 39 43

The top is triton and the bottom is PyTorch. I verified that there are no spurious tensors that are not released. The memory usage of the triton kernel is actually slightly lower than the one of PyTorch.

I also did a run where I disabled the auto-tuning, but it didn't change anything. For this run, the number of child processes even exceeded 6000. I don't know why that is. Also, the total memory used seems to be lower this time. The below picture is a zoomed in version before the crash.

Screenshot 2024-07-03 at 15 42 54

On my cluster, I saw that each user can only have 4096 processes. I am not sure, but I guess sub-processes also count as that (?). I can't increase that since I am not an admin.


Torch: 2.3.0+cu121 I installed triton using pip install -U --index-url triton-nightly OS: CentOS version 7, Kernel version: 3.10.0-1160.76.1.el7.x86_64 (yes it's old) Training: I am training on 1 node with 8 V100s using HF accelerate + DeepSpeed ZerO stage 2. This stage shards the optimizer state (offloaded to CPU as well) and the gradients.

jubueche commented 6 days ago

It seems that it is working (for now) when I don't invoke this kernel:

        triton.Config({"BLOCK_SIZE_OUT": 256, "BLOCK_SIZE_HIDDEN": 64}, num_stages=3, num_warps=8),
        triton.Config({"BLOCK_SIZE_OUT": 256, "BLOCK_SIZE_HIDDEN": 32}, num_stages=4, num_warps=4),
        triton.Config({"BLOCK_SIZE_OUT": 128, "BLOCK_SIZE_HIDDEN": 32}, num_stages=4, num_warps=4),
        triton.Config({"BLOCK_SIZE_OUT": 64, "BLOCK_SIZE_HIDDEN": 32}, num_stages=4, num_warps=4),
        triton.Config({"BLOCK_SIZE_OUT": 128, "BLOCK_SIZE_HIDDEN": 32}, num_stages=4, num_warps=4),
        triton.Config({"BLOCK_SIZE_OUT": 32, "BLOCK_SIZE_HIDDEN": 32}, num_stages=4, num_warps=4),
        triton.Config({"BLOCK_SIZE_OUT": 32, "BLOCK_SIZE_HIDDEN": 32}, num_stages=5, num_warps=2),
        triton.Config({"BLOCK_SIZE_OUT": 64, "BLOCK_SIZE_HIDDEN": 32}, num_stages=5, num_warps=2),
    key=["hidden_size", "out_size"],
def modifier_kernel(
    # pointers to tensors
    weights_ptr,  # 2D [hidden_size, out_size]
    assumed_wmax_ptr,  # 2D [num_slices, out_size]
    reduced_assumed_wmax_ptr,  # 2D [num_slices, 1]
    upper_end_of_slices_ptr,  # 1D [num_slices]
    # sizes
    # strides
    # miscellaneous
    modifier_type: tl.constexpr,  # str
    modifier_weight_res: tl.constexpr,  # float
    modifier_seed: tl.constexpr,  # int
    modifier_std: tl.constexpr,  # float
    # block sizes
    BLOCK_SIZE_HIDDEN: tl.constexpr,
    BLOCK_SIZE_OUT: tl.constexpr,
    pid = tl.program_id(axis=0)
    offs_bn = (pid * BLOCK_SIZE_OUT + tl.arange(0, BLOCK_SIZE_OUT)) % out_size
    offs_assumed_wmax = pid * BLOCK_SIZE_OUT + tl.arange(0, BLOCK_SIZE_OUT)

    # for random number generation of output
    increase_weight_offsets_by = BLOCK_SIZE_HIDDEN * BLOCK_SIZE_OUT
    weight_random_offsets = tl.arange(0, BLOCK_SIZE_HIDDEN * BLOCK_SIZE_OUT).reshape(
        (BLOCK_SIZE_HIDDEN, BLOCK_SIZE_OUT), can_reorder=True

    ir_range_lower = 0
    for slice_idx in range(0, num_slices):
        # load the abs-max we need
        abs_max_slice_ptrs = (
            + slice_idx * stride_assumed_wmax_num_slices
            + offs_bn * stride_assumed_wmax_out_size
        if modifier_type == "AddNormal" or (
            modifier_type == "Discretize" or modifier_type == "DiscretizeAddNormal"
            assumed_wmax_per_slice = tl.load(reduced_assumed_wmax_ptr + slice_idx)
            assumed_wmax_per_slice = tl.load(
                abs_max_slice_ptrs, mask=offs_assumed_wmax < out_size, other=float("-inf")
            assumed_wmax_per_slice = assumed_wmax_per_slice[None, :]
        ir_range_upper = tl.load(upper_end_of_slices_ptr + slice_idx)
        current_lower = ir_range_lower

        num_k = tl.cdiv(ir_range_upper - ir_range_lower, BLOCK_SIZE_HIDDEN)
        for k in range(0, num_k):
            current_upper = min(
                ir_range_upper, ir_range_lower + (k + 1) * BLOCK_SIZE_HIDDEN, hidden_size
            offs_k = current_lower + tl.arange(0, BLOCK_SIZE_HIDDEN)
            b_ptrs = weights_ptr + (
                offs_k[:, None] * stride_weights_hidden_size
                + offs_bn[None, :] * stride_weights_out_size
            b = tl.load(b_ptrs, mask=offs_k[:, None] < current_upper, other=0.0)

            if (modifier_type == "Discretize" or modifier_type == "DiscretizeAddNormal") or (
                modifier_type == "DiscretizePerChannel"
                or modifier_type == "DiscretizeAddNormalPerChannel"
                if modifier_weight_res > 0:
                    n_states = max(modifier_weight_res, 1 / modifier_weight_res)
                    res = 2 * assumed_wmax_per_slice / n_states
                    b = b / res
                    b = tl.extra.cuda.libdevice.rint(b)
                    b = b * res

            if (modifier_type == "AddNormal" or modifier_type == "AddNormalPerChannel") or (
                modifier_type == "DiscretizeAddNormal"
                or modifier_type == "DiscretizeAddNormalPerChannel"
                randn_block = tl.randn(modifier_seed + pid, weight_random_offsets)
                weight_random_offsets += increase_weight_offsets_by
                randn_block = assumed_wmax_per_slice * modifier_std * randn_block
                b += randn_block

            # store b back to DRAM...
                mask=(offs_k[:, None] < current_upper) & (offs_assumed_wmax[None, :] < out_size),
            current_lower = current_upper
        ir_range_lower = ir_range_upper

I call this kernel like so:

if apply_weight_modifier:
    modifier_std = rpu_config.modifier.std_dev
    modifier_seed = randint(2**31, (1,)).item()
    # bring the weight resolution into a state that we can interpret
    modifier_weight_res = rpu_config.modifier.res

        # pointers to tensors
        weights.T,  # 2D [hidden_size, out_size]
        assumed_wmax,  # 2D [num_slices, out_size]
        reduced_assumed_wmax,  # 2D [num_slices, 1]
        upper_end_of_slices,  # 1D [num_slices]
        # sizes
        # strides
        weights.stride(1),  # flipped because of transpose
        # miscellaneous
        # block sizes
        # 32,  # for debugging
        # 32,

Note that I change the weights in-place. I essentially add noise to them.

jubueche commented 6 days ago

I think I have found my bug. In the function defintion, modifier_seed is set as a tl.constexpr, although it changes at compile time. The seed is always randomly generated. Changing this to

modifier_seed,  # int

solves the issue.

For the other parameters that I pass, is it correct that I use tl.constexpr? What happens when the function is already compiled with, for example a value of modifier_std = 0.3 and then later I try to call it with modifier_std = 0.4? Does the function get re-compiled? Or does it just use the "wrong" function with 0.3?