tritonas00 / RoRServerBot

Rigs of Rods Multiplayer Bot for RoRNet 2.44, updated to Python 3 and Discord
2 stars 3 forks source link

Can't connect to RoR server #6

Closed Goetterescu closed 3 years ago

Goetterescu commented 3 years ago

I followed the guide and I got a error which I don't understand. Did I miss something in the Guide? Here is the cmd output:

`C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\beholder 1>python -B
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 16:14:40,254; asyncio          623; Using proactor: IocpProactor
WARNING ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 16:14:40,270; discord.client   257; PyNaCl is not installed, voice will NOT be supported
INFO    ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 16:14:40,270; main             360; LOG STARTED
INFO    ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 16:14:40,270; config            25; Reading configuration file configuration.xml
CRITICAL; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 16:14:40,270; config           176; You should have at least 1 global admin!
INFO    ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 16:14:40,270; config           243; Successfully parsed the following servers:
INFO    ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 16:14:40,270; config           245;    - - user: Beholder - channel 742107024338452600
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 16:14:40,270; config            33; Configuration read.
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 16:14:40,270; discord.client  1018; on_message has successfully been registered as an event
INFO    ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 16:14:40,270; discord.client   510; logging in using static token
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 16:14:40,536; discord.http     193; GET with None has returned 401
INFO    ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 16:14:40,536; main             421; Starting global shutdown sequence
ERROR   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 16:14:40,536; main             432;    x Found no RoRclients running...
INFO    ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 16:14:40,536; main             437; Global shutdown sequence successfully finished.
INFO    ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 16:14:40,536; discord.client   718; Cleaning up tasks.
INFO    ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 16:14:40,536; discord.client    94; Closing the event loop.
Exception ignored in: <function _ProactorBasePipeTransport.__del__ at 0x000001BDB50B4040>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\asyncio\", line 116, in __del__
  File "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\asyncio\", line 108, in close
    self._loop.call_soon(self._call_connection_lost, None)
  File "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\asyncio\", line 746, in call_soon
  File "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\asyncio\", line 510, in _check_closed
    raise RuntimeError('Event loop is closed')
RuntimeError: Event loop is closed

C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\beholder 1>pause
Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .
tritonas00 commented 3 years ago
GET with None has returned 401

401 means unauthorized error

you have something wrong with discord configuration (discord server, discord bot token, or channel ID)

Goetterescu commented 3 years ago

I noticed that afterwards. I did not know that I have to connect to my discord bot. Somehow another issue occurred. I managed to bring my bot online, but he can't respond to any commands.

tritonas00 commented 3 years ago

By commands you mean from discord channel? or in game?

If the first, check the channel ID is correct

Goetterescu commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I'm talking about ingame commands as -countdown and -ems

tritonas00 commented 3 years ago

If the bot joined the rorserver, those should work fine. Can you upload the whole rorbot output?

Goetterescu commented 3 years ago

C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\beholder 1>python -B
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:53,444; asyncio          623; Using proactor: IocpProactor
WARNING ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:53,460; discord.client   257; PyNaCl is not installed, voice will NOT be supported
INFO    ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:53,460; main             360; LOG STARTED
INFO    ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:53,460; config            25; Reading configuration file configuration.xml
CRITICAL; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:53,460; config           176; You should have at least 1 global admin!
INFO    ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:53,460; config           243; Successfully parsed the following servers:
INFO    ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:53,476; config           245;    - - user: Beholder - channel 742107024338452600
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:53,476; config            33; Configuration read.
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:53,476; discord.client  1018; on_message has successfully been registered as an event
INFO    ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:53,476; discord.client   510; logging in using static token
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:53,710; discord.http     193; GET with None has returned 200
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:53,710; discord.http     209; GET has received {'id': '834155246267662367', 'username': 'Beholder', 'avatar': None, 'discriminator': '6582', 'public_flags': 0, 'flags': 0, 'bot': True, 'locale': 'en-US', 'mfa_enabled': False, 'email': None, 'verified': True}
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:53,741; discord.http     193; GET with None has returned 200
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:53,741; discord.http     209; GET has received {'url': 'wss://'}
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:53,944; discord.gateway  326; Created websocket connected to wss://
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:53,944; discord.client   358; Dispatching event socket_raw_receive
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:53,944; discord.gateway  432; For Shard ID None: WebSocket Event: {'t': None, 's': None, 'op': 10, 'd': {'heartbeat_interval': 41250, '_trace': ['["gateway-prd-main-ctt2",{"micros":0.0}]']}}
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:53,944; discord.client   358; Dispatching event socket_response
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:53,944; discord.client   358; Dispatching event socket_raw_send
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:53,944; discord.client   358; Dispatching event socket_raw_send
INFO    ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:53,944; discord.gateway  403; Shard ID None has sent the IDENTIFY payload.
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:54,069; discord.client   358; Dispatching event socket_raw_receive
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:54,069; discord.gateway  432; For Shard ID None: WebSocket Event: {'t': None, 's': None, 'op': 11, 'd': None}
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:54,069; discord.client   358; Dispatching event socket_response
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:54,272; discord.client   358; Dispatching event socket_raw_receive
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:54,272; discord.gateway  432; For Shard ID None: WebSocket Event: {'t': 'READY', 's': 1, 'op': 0, 'd': {'v': 6, 'user_settings': {}, 'user': {'verified': True, 'username': 'Beholder', 'mfa_enabled': False, 'id': '834155246267662367', 'flags': 0, 'email': None, 'discriminator': '6582', 'bot': True, 'avatar': None}, 'session_id': 'e67889cec76fe06259ae6c61d61a6c6d', 'relationships': [], 'private_channels': [], 'presences': [], 'guilds': [{'unavailable': True, 'id': '742107024338452600'}], 'guild_join_requests': [], 'geo_ordered_rtc_regions': ['europe', 'russia', 'us-east', 'india', 'us-central'], 'application': {'id': '834155246267662367', 'flags': 0}, '_trace': ['["gateway-prd-main-ctt2",{"micros":189661,"calls":["discord-sessions-prd-2-97",{"micros":185638,"calls":["start_session",{"micros":149805,"calls":["api-prd-main-3jlw",{"micros":143056,"calls":["get_user",{"micros":11057},"add_authorized_ip",{"micros":12012},"get_guilds",{"micros":28829},"coros_wait",{"micros":2}]}]},"guilds_connect",{"micros":1,"calls":[]},"presence_connect",{"micros":17923,"calls":[]}]}]}]']}}
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:54,272; discord.client   358; Dispatching event socket_response
INFO    ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:54,272; discord.gateway  494; Shard ID None has connected to Gateway: ["gateway-prd-main-ctt2",{"micros":189661,"calls":["discord-sessions-prd-2-97",{"micros":185638,"calls":["start_session",{"micros":149805,"calls":["api-prd-main-3jlw",{"micros":143056,"calls":["get_user",{"micros":11057},"add_authorized_ip",{"micros":12012},"get_guilds",{"micros":28829},"coros_wait",{"micros":2}]}]},"guilds_connect",{"micros":1,"calls":[]},"presence_connect",{"micros":17923,"calls":[]}]}]}] (Session ID: e67889cec76fe06259ae6c61d61a6c6d).
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:54,304; discord.client   358; Dispatching event connect
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:54,304; discord.client   358; Dispatching event socket_raw_receive
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:54,304; discord.gateway  432; For Shard ID None: WebSocket Event: {'t': 'GUILD_CREATE', 's': 2, 'op': 0, 'd': {'banner': None, 'verification_level': 0, 'premium_tier': 0, 'default_message_notifications': 0, 'region': 'europe', 'unavailable': False, 'nsfw': False, 'application_id': None, 'lazy': True, 'owner_id': '529768569899057153', 'premium_subscription_count': 0, 'max_video_channel_users': 25, 'roles': [{'position': 0, 'permissions_new': '6546771521', 'permissions': 104320577, 'name': '@everyone', 'mentionable': False, 'managed': False, 'id': '742107024338452600', 'hoist': False, 'color': 0}, {'position': 4, 'permissions_new': '7771520849', 'permissions': 1329069905, 'name': 'Staff', 'mentionable': False, 'managed': False, 'id': '803626851124772896', 'hoist': True, 'color': 15158332}, {'position': 3, 'permissions_new': '7620512833', 'permissions': 1178061889, 'name': 'Truckers', 'mentionable': True, 'managed': False, 'id': '803626912073121836', 'hoist': True, 'color': 9936031}, {'position': 2, 'permissions_new': '8589410303', 'permissions': 2146959359, 'name': 'Admin', 'mentionable': False, 'managed': False, 'id': '804061236979171428', 'hoist': True, 'color': 2123412}, {'position': 1, 'permissions_new': '7620517697', 'permissions': 1178066753, 'name': 'Noodle of the week', 'mentionable': True, 'managed': False, 'id': '833659189834416128', 'hoist': True, 'color': 12745742}], 'icon': '4d714c8b3d646e153efc20d3f547304c', 'name': 'Roleplay Server', 'joined_at': '2021-04-21T14:28:45.896995+00:00', 'guild_hashes': {'version': 1, 'roles': {'omitted': False, 'hash': 'LrPokmjq0Ak'}, 'metadata': {'omitted': False, 'hash': 'xIU4gwPJV4c'}, 'channels': {'omitted': False, 'hash': 'EROOJUesfT8'}}, 'mfa_level': 0, 'members': [{'user': {'username': 'Beholder', 'id': '834155246267662367', 'discriminator': '6582', 'bot': True, 'avatar': None}, 'roles': [], 'premium_since': None, 'pending': False, 'nick': None, 'mute': False, 'joined_at': '2021-04-21T14:28:45.896995+00:00', 'is_pending': False, 'hoisted_role': None, 'deaf': False}], 'vanity_url_code': None, 'channels': [{'type': 4, 'position': 2, 'permission_overwrites': [], 'name': 'Text Channels', 'id': '742107024879386725'}, {'type': 4, 'position': 3, 'permission_overwrites': [], 'name': 'Voice Channels', 'id': '742107024879386726'}, {'user_limit': 7, 'type': 2, 'rtc_region': None, 'position': 0, 'permission_overwrites': [], 'parent_id': '742107024879386726', 'name': 'General', 'id': '742107024879386728', 'bitrate': 37000}, {'type': 0, 'topic': None, 'rate_limit_per_user': 0, 'position': 6, 'permission_overwrites': [], 'parent_id': '742107024879386725', 'name': 'general', 'last_message_id': '834441500888531006', 'id': '803626755524657192'}, {'type': 0, 'topic': 'Staff only discussions', 'rate_limit_per_user': 10, 'position': 7, 'permission_overwrites': [{'type': 'role', 'id': '742107024338452600', 'deny_new': '1024', 'deny': 1024, 'allow_new': '0', 'allow': 0}, {'type': 'role', 'id': '803626851124772896', 'deny_new': '0', 'deny': 0, 'allow_new': '3072', 'allow': 3072}], 'parent_id': '742107024879386725', 'name': 'general-staff', 'last_pin_timestamp': '2021-03-20T18:29:59+00:00', 'last_message_id': '834061030970753093', 'id': '803628220867412019'}, {'type': 0, 'topic': 'Here you can inform yourself about everything that is up to date. Server related of course', 'rate_limit_per_user': 15, 'position': 0, 'permission_overwrites': [{'type': 'member', 'id': '529768569899057153', 'deny_new': '0', 'deny': 0, 'allow_new': '3072', 'allow': 3072}, {'type': 'role', 'id': '742107024338452600', 'deny_new': '805763089', 'deny': 805763089, 'allow_new': '66624', 'allow': 66624}], 'parent_id': '833658021523619850', 'name': 'news', 'last_message_id': '833678813836869672', 'id': '803628466880381009'}, {'type': 0, 'topic': 'This channel is free for all. Please use it to ask questions and answer others', 'rate_limit_per_user': 10, 'position': 8, 'permission_overwrites': [], 'parent_id': '742107024879386725', 'name': 'support', 'last_message_id': None, 'id': '803629133971980298'}, {'type': 0, 'topic': 'Here we can discuss Events and plan them', 'rate_limit_per_user': 5, 'position': 2, 'permission_overwrites': [], 'parent_id': '806565971409895464', 'name': 'event-chat', 'last_message_id': '834068123798732839', 'id': '805524537067831297'}, {'type': 4, 'position': 1, 'permission_overwrites': [], 'name': 'Server Related', 'id': '806565971409895464'}, {'type': 0, 'topic': 'Wanna share your experiences on the game server? Post your screenshots here', 'rate_limit_per_user': 0, 'position': 3, 'permission_overwrites': [], 'parent_id': '806565971409895464', 'name': 'screenshots', 'last_message_id': '834434574674559056', 'id': '807344530600099850'}, {'type': 0, 'topic': None, 'rate_limit_per_user': 0, 'position': 1, 'permission_overwrites': [], 'parent_id': '806565971409895464', 'name': 'rules', 'last_message_id': '808787012093345812', 'id': '807353132144263189'}, {'type': 0, 'topic': None, 'rate_limit_per_user': 0, 'position': 9, 'permission_overwrites': [], 'parent_id': '742107024879386725', 'name': 'meet-the-staff', 'last_message_id': '821911943823753228', 'id': '807978927221112852'}, {'type': 4, 'position': 4, 'permission_overwrites': [], 'name': 'Special', 'id': '811280522897522698'}, {'type': 0, 'topic': "This channel can be used my Staff members to interview any players. Please inform other Staff members before you're using this channel, we do not want to fight over a interview room. I will not add a schedule. This is not necessary.", 'rate_limit_per_user': 5, 'position': 11, 'permission_overwrites': [{'type': 'role', 'id': '742107024338452600', 'deny_new': '3072', 'deny': 3072, 'allow_new': '0', 'allow': 0}, {'type': 'role', 'id': '803626851124772896', 'deny_new': '0', 'deny': 0, 'allow_new': '1024', 'allow': 1024}], 'parent_id': '811280522897522698', 'name': 'interview-room', 'last_message_id': '823962559270617109', 'id': '811280630268166185'}, {'type': 4, 'position': 5, 'permission_overwrites': [], 'name': 'Non server related (NSFW?)', 'id': '815295402034069555'}, {'type': 0, 'topic': 'For non-server related media', 'rate_limit_per_user': 0, 'position': 13, 'permission_overwrites': [], 'parent_id': '815295402034069555', 'name': 'media', 'last_message_id': '832265387432738836', 'id': '815295457965244456'}, {'type': 0, 'topic': 'For non-server related discussion', 'rate_limit_per_user': 0, 'position': 14, 'permission_overwrites': [], 'parent_id': '815295402034069555', 'name': 'general', 'last_message_id': '834411798031630376', 'id': '815295544268292146'}, {'type': 0, 'topic': 'Suggest future features (not events). This is the place to report problems, too', 'rate_limit_per_user': 10, 'position': 10, 'permission_overwrites': [], 'parent_id': '742107024879386725', 'name': 'suggestions', 'last_message_id': '833414406909984768', 'id': '818063605630369792'}, {'type': 0, 'topic': None, 'rate_limit_per_user': 0, 'position': 12, 'permission_overwrites': [], 'parent_id': '811280522897522698', 'name': 'group-projects', 'last_message_id': '827661352998666301', 'id': '823284389164089364'}, {'type': 0, 'topic': 'This channel is for reporting traffic infractions. Visit:', 'rate_limit_per_user': 10, 'position': 4, 'permission_overwrites': [], 'parent_id': '806565971409895464', 'name': 'points-system', 'last_pin_timestamp': '2021-03-26T20:43:22+00:00', 'last_message_id': '825107686655000617', 'id': '823487683128066089'}, {'type': 0, 'topic': None, 'rate_limit_per_user': 0, 'position': 5, 'permission_overwrites': [], 'parent_id': '806565971409895464', 'name': 'random-chat-logs', 'last_pin_timestamp': '2021-03-23T16:51:22+00:00', 'last_message_id': '829753047445798913', 'id': '823960859654094848'}, {'type': 4, 'position': 0, 'permission_overwrites': [], 'name': 'Announcements', 'id': '833658021523619850'}, {'type': 0, 'topic': 'Noodle removals or rewarded good noodles will be announced in here. The noodle of the week will also be tagged in this room.', 'rate_limit_per_user': 0, 'position': 15, 'permission_overwrites': [{'type': 'role', 'id': '742107024338452600', 'deny_new': '2064', 'deny': 2064, 'allow_new': '66560', 'allow': 66560}], 'parent_id': '833658021523619850', 'name': 'noodle-report', 'last_message_id': None, 'id': '833658218215243776'}, {'type': 0, 'topic': 'Violations against the BTL and VCG can be reported here. They will be announced in here by Moderators, too.', 'rate_limit_per_user': 5, 'position': 16, 'permission_overwrites': [], 'parent_id': '833658021523619850', 'name': 'traffic-violations', 'last_message_id': None, 'id': '833658270921129984'}], 'discovery_splash': None, 'stage_instances': [], 'system_channel_flags': 0, 'system_channel_id': None, 'preferred_locale': 'en-US', 'voice_states': [], 'afk_channel_id': None, 'member_count': 19, 'presences': [], 'description': None, 'explicit_content_filter': 0, 'public_updates_channel_id': None, 'max_members': 250000, 'features': [], 'afk_timeout': 300, 'splash': None, 'emojis': [{'roles': [], 'require_colons': True, 'name': 'goodnoodle', 'managed': False, 'id': '833659541735604274', 'available': True, 'animated': False}], 'threads': [], 'rules_channel_id': None, 'large': False, 'id': '742107024338452600'}}
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:54,335; discord.client   358; Dispatching event socket_response
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:54,335; discord.client   358; Dispatching event guild_available
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:56,351; discord.client   358; Dispatching event ready
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:56,351; main             413; in iteration, ID=Gigi's Server (RP)
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:56,351; Gigi's Server (RP) 1057; logger started
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:11:56,351; Gigi's Server (RP) 1072; RoRclient Gigi's Server (RP) initialized
DEBUG   ; RoR_thread_Gigi's Server (RP); 2021-04-21 17:11:56,351; Gigi's Server (RP) 1133; Connecting to server
DEBUG   ; RoR_thread_Gigi's Server (RP); 2021-04-21 17:11:56,351; Gigi's Server (RP)  618; Creating socket...
INFO    ; RoR_thread_Gigi's Server (RP); 2021-04-21 17:11:56,351; Gigi's Server (RP)  627; Created socket...
DEBUG   ; RoR_thread_Gigi's Server (RP); 2021-04-21 17:11:56,351; Gigi's Server (RP)  629; Trying to connect to server
INFO    ; RoR_thread_Gigi's Server (RP); 2021-04-21 17:11:56,351; Gigi's Server (RP)  637; Connected to server
DEBUG   ; RoR_thread_Gigi's Server (RP); 2021-04-21 17:11:56,366; Gigi's Server (RP)  644; Successfully connected! Sending hello message.
DEBUG   ; RoR_thread_Gigi's Server (RP); 2021-04-21 17:11:56,366; Gigi's Server (RP)  943; S>| HELLO              000:00 (11)
DEBUG   ; Thread-3             ; 2021-04-21 17:11:56,366; Gigi's Server (RP) 1031; R<| HELLO              000:00 (4373)
DEBUG   ; RoR_thread_Gigi's Server (RP); 2021-04-21 17:11:56,366; Gigi's Server (RP)  658; Received server info.
DEBUG   ; RoR_thread_Gigi's Server (RP); 2021-04-21 17:11:56,366; Gigi's Server (RP)  661; Sending our user info.
DEBUG   ; RoR_thread_Gigi's Server (RP); 2021-04-21 17:11:56,366; Gigi's Server (RP)  943; S>| USER_INFO          000:00 (359)
DEBUG   ; Thread-3             ; 2021-04-21 17:11:56,819; Gigi's Server (RP) 1031; R<| WELCOME            024:00 (359)
INFO    ; RoR_thread_Gigi's Server (RP); 2021-04-21 17:11:56,819; Gigi's Server (RP)  689; joined as 'Beholder' on slot -1 with UID 24 and auth 9
DEBUG   ; Thread-3             ; 2021-04-21 17:11:56,819; Gigi's Server (RP) 1031; R<| USER_JOIN          024:00 (359)
DEBUG   ; RoR_thread_Gigi's Server (RP); 2021-04-21 17:11:56,819; Gigi's Server (RP)  943; S>| STREAM_REGISTER    024:10 (272)
stream default: 10
DEBUG   ; RoR_thread_Gigi's Server (RP); 2021-04-21 17:11:56,835; Gigi's Server (RP)  943; S>| STREAM_REGISTER    024:11 (272)
stream chat: 11
Exception in thread RoR_thread_Gigi's Server (RP):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\", line 954, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\beholder 1\", line 1082, in run
  File "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\beholder 1\", line 1145, in bigLoop
    self.discord.sayInfo("Connected to server %s" % s(serverinfo.servername))
  File "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\beholder 1\", line 456, in sayInfo
    self.__send(msg, "info")
  File "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\beholder 1\", line 424, in __send
    self.main.messageDiscordclient(self.channelID, "[%s] %s" % (prefix, msg))
  File "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\beholder 1\", line 397, in messageDiscordclient
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'send'
DEBUG   ; Thread-3             ; 2021-04-21 17:12:07,929; Gigi's Server (RP) 1031; R<| USER_JOIN          025:00 (359)
DEBUG   ; Thread-3             ; 2021-04-21 17:12:07,976; Gigi's Server (RP) 1031; R<| STREAM_REGISTER    025:10 (272)
DEBUG   ; Thread-3             ; 2021-04-21 17:12:09,226; Gigi's Server (RP) 1031; R<| STREAM_REGISTER    025:11 (272)
DEBUG   ; Thread-3             ; 2021-04-21 17:12:09,320; Gigi's Server (RP) 1031; R<| USER_INFO          025:00 (359)
DEBUG   ; Thread-1             ; 2021-04-21 17:12:35,195; discord.gateway  148; Keeping shard ID None websocket alive with sequence 2.
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:12:35,336; discord.client   358; Dispatching event socket_raw_receive
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:12:35,351; discord.gateway  432; For Shard ID None: WebSocket Event: {'t': None, 's': None, 'op': 11, 'd': None}
DEBUG   ; MainThread           ; 2021-04-21 17:12:35,351; discord.client   358; Dispatching event socket_response
DEBUG   ; Thread-3             ; 2021-04-21 17:12:46,961; Gigi's Server (RP) 1031; R<| USER_LEAVE         025:00 (23)
tritonas00 commented 3 years ago
Exception in thread RoR_thread_Gigi's Server (RP):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\", line 954, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\beholder 1\", line 1082, in run
  File "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\beholder 1\", line 1145, in bigLoop
    self.discord.sayInfo("Connected to server %s" % s(serverinfo.servername))
  File "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\beholder 1\", line 456, in sayInfo
    self.__send(msg, "info")
  File "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\beholder 1\", line 424, in __send
    self.main.messageDiscordclient(self.channelID, "[%s] %s" % (prefix, msg))
  File "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\beholder 1\", line 397, in messageDiscordclient
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'send'

It crashed, i will search and keep you informed

tritonas00 commented 3 years ago

what version did you install?

type py -3 -m pip show in command prompt and paste here the output

Goetterescu commented 3 years ago
Version: 1.7.1
Summary: A Python wrapper for the Discord API
Author: Rapptz
Author-email: None
License: MIT
Location: c:\users\administrator\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\site-packages
Requires: aiohttp
Goetterescu commented 3 years ago

May it be because I set the Position to "9"? I used it this way in the previous Version and it worked. Im asking because in the server's .auth file it says: 8: bot, robot (blue name, no special privileges)

Goetterescu commented 3 years ago

The number before the token and the name

tritonas00 commented 3 years ago

1.7.1 is the latest, and i checked again here and it works fine, at least on linux. Let me try on windows

tritonas00 commented 3 years ago

Checked on windows, works fine also. Can you post your configuration.xml?

tritonas00 commented 3 years ago

Can't see anything wrong. Well i can't think anything else. @WillyB1337 can you help?

WillyB1337 commented 3 years ago

Can't see anything wrong. Well i can't think anything else. @WillyB1337 can you help?

I do recall at one time that on my friend’s VPS, I would run both RoRServer & RoRBot but both weren’t able to communicate between each other but when connecting my local hosted RoRBot to the VPS, it would work. They weren’t any obvious errors showing up.

Goetterescu commented 3 years ago

So what could be a possible solution? RoRbot worked for me in the last version of RoRnet

tritonas00 commented 3 years ago

I think the problem is on discord side, i cant see any discord traffic in the log

you should see things like kkk

Also AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'send' is alarming

@WillyB1337 how did you install

Goetterescu commented 3 years ago

Update: the bot is shutting down after about one Minute being online.

tritonas00 commented 3 years ago

That was fixed 5 days ago,, make sure you download the latest master branch zip

i also added the start_bot.bat launcher

Goetterescu commented 3 years ago

Yes, I downloaded the newest Version. I am using that right now

tritonas00 commented 3 years ago

First things first. Is the AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'send' error solved now?

Goetterescu commented 3 years ago


Goetterescu commented 3 years ago

I guess maybe its a issue on my Vserver's side. I will wait for the next RoRbot version. Maybe it will work then. Cause right now i feel like we are just wasting our time here.

tritonas00 commented 3 years ago

@Goetterescu can you contact me on discord? i have an idea

Goetterescu commented 3 years ago


tritonas00 commented 3 years ago

Problem was wrong discord channel id