tritonhacks / Tritonhack2024-ML-Starter-Kit
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ML SK Tracker #21

Open phentos opened 3 months ago

phentos commented 3 months ago

Populate this issue with what is left to do

phentos commented 2 months ago

@sunwoo604 reminder to populate what's needed 👍

sunwoo604 commented 2 months ago

I think we are done with all of em but if you have any recommendations to put, please let us know. Also, if you want to view the instruction page, click the title of readme. Thank tou

brianlu09 commented 2 months ago


A couple notes to make the starter kit more like a starter kit:

sunwoo604 commented 2 months ago


A couple notes to make the starter kit more like a starter kit:

  • Clear outputs in the notebook and re-push to GH
  • Selectively choose what code is given out, maybe have fill in the blanks instead
  • More like a starter kit with more interactivity for students, less like an example project

Yeah I am using a sample dataset to provide bunch of different methods that that should consider utilizing for their own project(though they can build on top of this) so it is not actually one flow but various different ideas