trixi-framework / Trixi.jl

Trixi.jl: Adaptive high-order numerical simulations of conservation laws in Julia
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Shallow water visualization #1265

Open jlchan opened 1 year ago

jlchan commented 1 year ago

A few users have requested code to plot water height on top of bathymetry. There is a known bug for the default plotting behavior using TreeMesh (see, and iplot with Makie doesn't currently support plotting multiple fields on the same plot.

Until these issues are addressed, here is a workaround for creating such a plot:

using GLMakie # use CairoMakie for non-interactive plots (i.e., saving pictures)

# create triangulated plot data for Makie
pd = Trixi.PlotData2DTriangulated(sol)

# plot bathymetry
plotting_mesh = Trixi.global_plotting_triangulation_makie(pd["b"])
fig, ax, plt = Makie.mesh(plotting_mesh; color=getindex.(plotting_mesh.position, 3), 

# plot water as blue on top of the bathymetry
plotting_mesh = Trixi.global_plotting_triangulation_makie(pd["H"])
Makie.mesh!(ax, plotting_mesh; color=getindex.(plotting_mesh.position, 3), colormap=:blues)

fig # displays the plot

The complete example is below:

using OrdinaryDiffEq
using Trixi

# semidiscretization of the shallow water equations with a discontinuous
# bottom topography function

equations = ShallowWaterEquations2D(gravity_constant=9.81, H0=3.25)

# An initial condition with constant total water height and zero velocities to test well-balancedness.
# Note, this routine is used to compute errors in the analysis callback but the initialization is
# overwritten by `initial_condition_discontinuous_well_balancedness` below.
function initial_condition_well_balancedness(x, t, equations::ShallowWaterEquations2D)
  # Set the background values
  H = equations.H0
  v1 = 0.0
  v2 = 0.0
  # bottom topography taken from Pond.control in [HOHQMesh](
  x1, x2 = x
  b = (  1.5 / exp( 0.5 * ((x1 - 1.0)^2 + (x2 - 1.0)^2) )
       + 0.75 / exp( 0.5 * ((x1 + 1.0)^2 + (x2 + 1.0)^2) ) )
  return prim2cons(SVector(H, v1, v2, b), equations)

initial_condition = initial_condition_well_balancedness

# Get the DG approximation space

volume_flux = (flux_wintermeyer_etal, flux_nonconservative_wintermeyer_etal)
surface_flux = (flux_fjordholm_etal, flux_nonconservative_fjordholm_etal)
solver = DGSEM(polydeg=4, surface_flux=surface_flux,

# Get the TreeMesh and setup a periodic mesh

coordinates_min = (-1.0, -1.0)
coordinates_max = ( 1.0,  1.0)
mesh = TreeMesh(coordinates_min, coordinates_max,

# Create the semi discretization object
semi = SemidiscretizationHyperbolic(mesh, equations, initial_condition, solver)

# ODE solver

tspan = (0.0, 1.0)
ode = semidiscretize(semi, tspan)

# Callbacks

summary_callback = SummaryCallback()

analysis_interval = 1000
analysis_callback = AnalysisCallback(semi, interval=analysis_interval,

alive_callback = AliveCallback(analysis_interval=analysis_interval)

save_solution = SaveSolutionCallback(interval=1000,

stepsize_callback = StepsizeCallback(cfl=3.0)

callbacks = CallbackSet(summary_callback, analysis_callback, alive_callback, save_solution,

# run the simulation

sol = solve(ode, CarpenterKennedy2N54(williamson_condition=false),
            dt=1.0, # solve needs some value here but it will be overwritten by the stepsize_callback
            save_everystep=false, callback=callbacks);
summary_callback() # print the timer summary

using GLMakie # use CairoMakie for non-interactive plots (i.e., saving pictures)

# create triangulated plot data for Makie
pd = Trixi.PlotData2DTriangulated(sol)

# plot bathymetry
plotting_mesh = Trixi.global_plotting_triangulation_makie(pd["b"])
fig, ax, plt = Makie.mesh(plotting_mesh; color=getindex.(plotting_mesh.position, 3), 

# plot water as blue on top of the bathymetry
plotting_mesh = Trixi.global_plotting_triangulation_makie(pd["H"])
Makie.mesh!(ax, plotting_mesh; color=getindex.(plotting_mesh.position, 3), colormap=:blues)

fig # displays the plot

@maxbertrand1996 @svengoldberg this should help in your thesis preparations.

maxbertrand1996 commented 1 year ago

If you want to control the opacity of the water surface, the package Colors has to be added to the code posted by @jlchan .

using GLMakie # use CairoMakie for non-interactive plots (i.e., saving pictures)

# create triangulated plot data for Makie
pd = Trixi.PlotData2DTriangulated(sol)

# plot bathymetry
plotting_mesh = Trixi.global_plotting_triangulation_makie(pd["b"])
fig, ax, plt = Makie.mesh(plotting_mesh; color=getindex.(plotting_mesh.position, 3), 

# plot water as blue on top of the bathymetry
plotting_mesh = Trixi.global_plotting_triangulation_makie(pd["H"])
Makie.mesh!(ax, plotting_mesh; color=getindex.(plotting_mesh.position, 3), colormap=:blues)

fig # displays the plot

Afterwards the colormap attribute has du be extended by RGBAf0.(Colors.color.(to_colormap(:blues)), 0.6). This leads to the following extension to the previous code

using GLMakie # use CairoMakie for non-interactive plots (i.e., saving pictures)
using Colors

# create triangulated plot data for Makie
pd = Trixi.PlotData2DTriangulated(sol)

# plot bathymetry
plotting_mesh = Trixi.global_plotting_triangulation_makie(pd["b"])
fig, ax, plt = Makie.mesh(plotting_mesh; color=getindex.(plotting_mesh.position, 3), 

# plot water as blue on top of the bathymetry
plotting_mesh = Trixi.global_plotting_triangulation_makie(pd["H"])
Makie.mesh!(ax, plotting_mesh; color=getindex.(plotting_mesh.position, 3), 
            colormap = RGBAf0.(Colors.color.(to_colormap(:blues)), 0.6))

fig # displays the plot

The number in (Colors.color.(to_colormap(:blues)), 0.6) controls the opacity and can be set to a value between 1.0 and 0.0, where 1.0 is full opacity and 0.0 is no opacity.

sloede commented 1 year ago

@maxbertrand1996 Interesting! Can you maybe post an example with and without opacity?

maxbertrand1996 commented 1 year ago


using OrdinaryDiffEq
using Trixi

# semidiscretization of the shallow water equations with a discontinuous
# bottom topography function

equations = ShallowWaterEquations2D(gravity_constant=9.81, H0=3.25)

# An initial condition with constant total water height and zero velocities to test well-balancedness.
# Note, this routine is used to compute errors in the analysis callback but the initialization is
# overwritten by `initial_condition_discontinuous_well_balancedness` below.
function initial_condition_well_balancedness(x, t, equations::ShallowWaterEquations2D)
  # Set the background values
  H = equations.H0
  v1 = 0.0
  v2 = 0.0
  # bottom topography taken from Pond.control in [HOHQMesh](
  x1, x2 = x
  b = (  1.5 / exp( 0.5 * ((x1 - 1.0)^2 + (x2 - 1.0)^2) )
       + 0.75 / exp( 0.5 * ((x1 + 1.0)^2 + (x2 + 1.0)^2) ) )
  return prim2cons(SVector(H, v1, v2, b), equations)

initial_condition = initial_condition_well_balancedness

# Get the DG approximation space

volume_flux = (flux_wintermeyer_etal, flux_nonconservative_wintermeyer_etal)
surface_flux = (flux_fjordholm_etal, flux_nonconservative_fjordholm_etal)
solver = DGSEM(polydeg=4, surface_flux=surface_flux,

# Get the TreeMesh and setup a periodic mesh

coordinates_min = (-1.0, -1.0)
coordinates_max = ( 1.0,  1.0)
mesh = TreeMesh(coordinates_min, coordinates_max,

# Create the semi discretization object
semi = SemidiscretizationHyperbolic(mesh, equations, initial_condition, solver)

# ODE solver

tspan = (0.0, 1.0)
ode = semidiscretize(semi, tspan)

# Callbacks

summary_callback = SummaryCallback()

analysis_interval = 1000
analysis_callback = AnalysisCallback(semi, interval=analysis_interval,

alive_callback = AliveCallback(analysis_interval=analysis_interval)

save_solution = SaveSolutionCallback(interval=1000,

stepsize_callback = StepsizeCallback(cfl=3.0)

callbacks = CallbackSet(summary_callback, analysis_callback, alive_callback, save_solution,

# run the simulation

sol = solve(ode, CarpenterKennedy2N54(williamson_condition=false),
            dt=1.0, # solve needs some value here but it will be overwritten by the stepsize_callback
            save_everystep=false, callback=callbacks);
summary_callback() # print the timer summary

using GLMakie # use CairoMakie for non-interactive plots (i.e., saving pictures)
using Colors

# create triangulated plot data for Makie
pd = Trixi.PlotData2DTriangulated(sol)

# plot bathymetry
plotting_mesh = Trixi.global_plotting_triangulation_makie(pd["b"])
fig, ax, plt = Makie.mesh(plotting_mesh; color=getindex.(plotting_mesh.position, 3), 

# plot water as blue on top of the bathymetry
plotting_mesh = Trixi.global_plotting_triangulation_makie(pd["H"])
Makie.mesh!(ax, plotting_mesh; color=getindex.(plotting_mesh.position, 3), 
            colormap = RGBAf0.(Colors.color.(to_colormap(:blues)), 1.0))

fig # displays the plot

This is the resulting plot


Setting the opacity value to 0.1 gives the following plot

Opacity_0 1

If you set the opacity value to 0.0, you would not see a water surface at all.

maxbertrand1996 commented 1 year ago

A little addendum. Makie does no longer support RGBAf0. Now RGBAf has to be used.

This means that the last section of the code

Makie.mesh!(ax, plotting_mesh; color=getindex.(plotting_mesh.position, 3), 
           colormap = RGBAf0.(Colors.color.(to_colormap(:blues)), 1.0))

fig # displays the plot

now has to be

Makie.mesh!(ax, plotting_mesh; color=getindex.(plotting_mesh.position, 3), 
            colormap = RGBAf.(Colors.color.(to_colormap(:blues)), 1.0))

fig # displays the plot
jlchan commented 1 year ago

Thanks for catching that. Does this break the existing iplot functionality in Trixi?

maxbertrand1996 commented 1 year ago

The default example still works with iplot