Open benegee opened 1 year ago
Where was this reported?
I am sure that things had worked at some point on the same machine without 7z.
Is this Roci?
No, this was on my machine. I would assume roci and the github runners have 7z installed.
It seems strange to me, though, because before I tried PackageCompiler (and installed p7zip) I ran libtrixi-init-julia
, which reported
MKL_jll [856f044c-d86e-5d09-b602-aeab76dc8ba7]
│ Downloading artifact: MKL
without errors.
Yes, PackageCompiler does not bundle the 7z library, while Julia itself does. Maybe it needs to be included in the libraries that are bundled by PC with libraries/apps - I had a discussion with Kristoffer Carlsson of JuliaHub about this on Slack today.
I think I might have similar issue
I had similar error with MKL being downloaded and then program crashing as it wasn't unable to find MKL and load it.
Build app with include_transitive_dependencies=false
seems to have helped to solve the issue.
Just to document what I tried:
cd LibTrixi.jl/lib
JULIA_PKG_DEVDIR=./dev julia --project=. -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.develop("PackageCompiler")'
cd dev/PackageCompiler
git switch msl/bundle-libexec
cd ../..
project directory in Makefile
ls -l build/libexec/julia/7z
(exists!)cd ../../examples
make -f MakefileCompiled LIBTRIXI_PREFIX=$PWD/../LibTrixi.jl/lib/build
JULIA_DEPOT_PATH=./non-exisiting ./trixi_controller_simple_c ./non-existing ../LibTrixi.jl/examples/libelixir_tree2d_dgsem_advection_amr.jl
*** Trixi controller *** Initialize Trixi
Downloaded artifact: MKL
Downloaded artifact: MKL
fatal: error thrown and no exception handler available.
InitError(mod=:MKL_jll, error=ErrorException("Unable to automatically download/install artifact 'MKL' from sources listed in '/home/bgeihe/.julia/packages/MKL_jll/8Hu7G/Artifacts.toml'.
If you do not have it installed, you might see something like: