Open bobmath opened 6 years ago
Good point. However, Math::AnyNum is just providing an interface to the GMP, MPFR and MPC libraries, where the complex-number library (MPC) is providing support only for floating-point complex numbers.
Implementing support for Gaussian integers is not planned in the near future, but it is an interesting idea. Alternatively, a separate CPAN module, using Math::AnyNum (or Math::GMPz / Math::GMPq directly), would also be a good idea.
I'm working on a new module, called Math::GComplex (contributions are very welcomed), which will try to provide a generic interface to complex-number operations, accepting any kind of numerical objects for the components of complex numbers (including Math::AnyNum objects).
Here is a code snippet:
use 5.010;
use Math::GComplex;
use Math::AnyNum qw(:overload);
my $x = Math::GComplex->new(3, 4);
my $y = Math::GComplex->new(7, 5);
say $x + $y; #=> (10 9)
say $x - $y; #=> (-4 -1)
say $x * $y; #=> (1 43)
say $x / $y; #=> (41/74 13/74)
This module is called "AnyNum", but it doesn't support Gaussian integers and Gaussian rationals (complex numbers where the components are integers or rationals instead of floating point). This is a common oversight in mathematical software.