trlorenz / PG-recursively_delete

PL/pgSQL recursive deletion
MIT License
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Comment code and schema #13

Open davidfetter opened 3 years ago

davidfetter commented 3 years ago

There are bits of the code whose purpose is...not immediately obvious upon inspection, which makes debugging them, writing tests of their functionality, etc., challenging.

Also, it'd be nice to have COMMENT ON annotations for each column in the view.

Speaking of the view, Hungarian notation kinda when out with the '90s, so I'd like to send a PR fixing that, if you're OK with it.

trlorenz commented 3 years ago

Hmm. Hungarian notation. Never heard of it until now. (Or rather I probably did but forgot.) I am from the 90's though :)

I think I named things that way just to keep things straight for myself while I was writing. At some point, at least, there were argument and declared variable names that were a little too similar, and I was too lazy to think of better ones. Happy to receive a PR making it all less of a sharp stick in the eye to the rest of the world.

I can certainly start working on commenting things. Can you suggest a couple obvious not-immediately-obvious places for me to start? I'm under the gun at my day job ATM; I'll work on it as I can.

BTW, your involvement in this has been very informative to me. Thank you!

davidfetter commented 3 years ago

Happy to help!

For what it's worth, this is saving me a lot of time for a thing I'm doing at my work, so what I'm doing is somewhat self-serving :)

davidfetter commented 3 years ago

I'm still staring at the code and comments and I'm still really confused, but I failed to explain what I found so confusing, and for that I apologize.

The package consists of a view, which contains columns never used elsewhere in the package whose names are a teensy bit confusing, along with two functions whose intent I'm a little cloudy on.

=== v_fk_con ===

=== _recursively_delete ===

=== recursively_delete ===

trlorenz commented 3 years ago

Hey, David, this is great stuff, thank you! I'm tied up until Wednesday, so I'll try to get your questions answered point by point by Thursday.

trlorenz commented 3 years ago

=== v_fk_cons ===

There are things called ctab...

The name v_fk_cons (short for something like "view of foreign key constraints" as I'm sure you've guessed) is crap, I know; it's a working title from long ago that never got changed.

In v_fk_cons, every row describes a single foreign key constraint, and the view is unique on constraint OID. v_fk_cons is not about primary (or unique) key constraints, except insofar as they relate to foreign key constraints.

The ctab* columns correspond to "child" tables; the ptab* columns to "parent" tables. An FK's child table is where the constraint is defined; an FK's parent table is the table that's referenced. Columns for PKs (and on the parent, unique keys) are given for both parent and child so that the view can be traversed in recursion, linking parents to children (to grandchildren, etc.).

                   View "public.v_fk_cons"
      Column       |  Type  | Collation | Nullable | Default 
 oid               | oid    |           |          | 
 name              | name   |           |          | 
 delete_action     | "char" |           |          | 
 ctab_oid          | oid    |           |          | 
 ctab_schema_name  | name   |           |          | 
 ctab_name         | name   |           |          | 
 ctab_pk_col_names | name[] |           |          | 
 ctab_pk_col_types | text[] |           |          | 
 ctab_fk_col_names | name[] |           |          | 
 ctab_fk_col_types | text[] |           |          | 
 ptab_oid          | oid    |           |          | 
 ptab_schema_name  | name   |           |          | 
 ptab_name         | name   |           |          | 
 ptab_uk_col_names | name[] |           |          | 
 ptab_uk_col_types | text[] |           |          | 

All columns should be considered in relation to a single foreign key constraint:

If I were writing the thing...

Your new view definition is very interesting -- there's some stuff there that I haven't seen before. It'll take more time than I have at the moment to dissect and understand it, but I did run it against some production data. I think there may be a bad linkage in there somewhere.

For example, where the damage preview for a deletion from our production table 'users' looks like this (abridged)...

INFO:          1     users
INFO:          0 a   | ad_submissions.["user_id"]
INFO:          0 c   | | ad_leads.["ad_submission_id"]
INFO:          0 c   | | ad_stats.["ad_submission_id"]

...and the relevant v_fk_cons records look like this...

   oid    |                      name                      | delete_action | ctab_oid | ctab_schema_name |           ctab_name           | ctab_pk_col_names | ctab_pk_col_types |       ctab_fk_col_names       | ctab_fk_col_types | ptab_oid | ptab_schema_name |         ptab_name          | ptab_uk_col_names | ptab_uk_col_types 
 11087213 | ad_leads_ad_submission_id_fk                   | c             | 10771849 | public           | ad_leads                      | {id}              | {integer}         | {ad_submission_id}            | {integer}         | 10771870 | public           | ad_submissions             | {id}              | {integer}
 11087218 | ad_stats_ad_submission_id_fk                   | c             | 10771857 | public           | ad_stats                      | {id}              | {integer}         | {ad_submission_id}            | {integer}         | 10771870 | public           | ad_submissions             | {id}              | {integer}
 11087223 | ad_submissions_user_id_fk                      | a             | 10771870 | public           | ad_submissions                | {id}              | {integer}         | {user_id}                     | {integer}         | 10772296 | public           | users                      | {id}              | {integer}

...the corresponding records from the new view look like this:

 constraint_oid |                         constraint_name                         | delete_action | pk_table_oid | fk_table_oid |                      pk_table                      |           fk_table            | pk_column_names |               fk_column_names               |                        path                        | has_cycle 
       11087223 | ad_submissions_user_id_fk                                       | a             |     10771870 |     10772296 | ad_submissions                                     | users                         | {id}            | {user_id}                                   | {roles,users,users}                                | t
       11087223 | ad_submissions_user_id_fk                                       | a             |     10771870 |     10772296 | ad_submissions                                     | users                         | {id}            | {user_id}                                   | {clients,users,users}                              | t

The ad_leads_ad_submission_id_fk and ad_stats_ad_submission_id_fk constraints don't occur at all; ad_submissions_user_id_fk occurs twice; and I'm not sure where those paths came from. For example, 'users' does attach to 'roles', but on a completely separate branch having nothing to do with ad_submissions. (Also, has_cycle is true on both records, but there's really no cycle anywhere near there.)

I'm not sure what you mean by, "take advantage of some casts, averting probes into pg_class." I see where you comment, "The casts to regclass get schema and table," but there's no schema that I can see in the final output. Are those columns meant to be cast from REGCLASS to TEXT?

co.conrelid::regclass::text AS fk_table,
co.confrelid::regclass::text AS pk_table,

Anyway, I made some of the choices about v_fk_cons to keep it human-readable and "useful for other stuff, maybe," to paraphrase an earlier comment of yours. That's why the explicit names, schemas, etc. There are some columns in the view that aren't even in use, that are just there for "completeness" or maybe "symmetry."

=== _recursively_delete ===

This function's name doesn't really say much...

_recursively_delete, is the recursive bit, yes; it calls itself, and the main function calls it. Another crap name. I couldn't come up with a better one, so I fell back to an old naming kludge I use, figuring a better name would occur to me later (it never does).

Yes, it traverses v_fk_cons to build the "flat graph." PL/pgSQL isn't super-friendly for building tree objects (I could only bend JSONB so far), so I built the graph as an array where each row is a node, in visitation order.

This function appears to create a graph...

The pulling things in and out of JSON structures -- and most of the other gymnastics you see -- are me trying procedurally to generate one single, clean SQL statement to accomplish recursive deletion (using the paradigms with which I'm most familiar and comfortable). I'm sure there are way better ways to do lots of the things I did. I do feel that the simplicity of the final query is ultimately more important than the simplicity of the code that creates it. But anything that simplifies the code without breaking the query sounds good to me.

Why is this function separate...

Normally I like to have functions advertised as "recursive" be self-contained. Initially I tried for that in this case. But in the end the signatures of the main and recursive calls were too different; and there was value for my brain in separating the "straight-shot" stuff from the recursive stuff.

Assignments in this function...

The ARGs are given in an order that I felt made decent sense in terms of interface. The declared VARs are alphabetized.

I would find this function easier to read and follow...

I... don't get that bit. You may be very right, and that's a better approach, I don't know. I don't know what that would even look like. You'll have to show me what you're thinking.

I wrote it using procedural recursion because that's a comfortable area for me.

=== recursively_delete ===

Love the UX of this...

for_realz didn't start out defaulting false! I changed that pretty quick, though, after I stabbed myself with it a couple times.

There is a GIGANTIC DECLARE section...

I'll certainly document the declare section (again, alphabetized). It's big, yep. I don't think there's a lot of fat to trim there, though, unless there are some pretty drastic changes.

The first SELECT statement could get rolled...

I'm not sure how you'd do that. Most of the PKs are already there in v_fk_cons -- they're just denormalized on their associated FKs (with each distinct FK serving as the "primary key" of the view).

I think the way to go is probably to normalize the v_fk_cons view, factoring out the PK/UK stuff to a new v_pk_cons view. What do you think?

The thing attempting to figure out data types...

I don't completely follow, but I think I like the sound of what you suggest. See above, though. I don't think v_fk_cons will help much, but a v_pk_cons might.

I don't quite get what $CTE_AUX_STMT is supposed to do...

Not sure what you mean. Are you talking about the 'returning *' bit? If so, look at this (abridged) final query:

  "del_0$ROOT" AS (
    DELETE FROM users WHERE (id) IN (
      self_ref (id) AS (
        SELECT id FROM users WHERE (id) IN (4402)
      SELECT id FROM self_ref
  "del_1$11087223" AS (
    DELETE FROM ad_submissions WHERE (id) IN (
      self_ref (id) AS (
        SELECT id FROM ad_submissions WHERE (user_id) IN (SELECT id FROM "del_0$ROOT")
      SELECT id FROM self_ref
  "del_2$11087213" AS (
    DELETE FROM ad_leads WHERE (id) IN (
      self_ref (id) AS (
        SELECT id FROM ad_leads WHERE (ad_submission_id) IN (SELECT id FROM "del_1$11087223")
      SELECT id FROM self_ref
-- ...
SELECT '0' AS queue_i, count(*) AS n_del FROM "del_0$ROOT"
SELECT '1' AS queue_i, count(*) AS n_del FROM "del_1$11087223"
SELECT '2' AS queue_i, count(*) AS n_del FROM "del_2$11087213" 
-- ...

Each individual CTE aux statement is performing a delete; 'RETURNING *' allows for the unioned select at the end that gathers up deletion counts for the preview (and, yep, we don't need those for for_realz calls). A benefit of doing it this way is that an individual deletion is only tabulated once, by the first FK constraint to touch the row in the graph; if the row happens also to be affected by another FK constraint later in the graph, it won't be counted again.

That aside, there are a couple of slow-downs...

I'm aware of (but no expert on) the benefits of EXISTS vs IN -- something I learned in my Oracle days, may they never return. But I thought the main benefit was with NOT EXISTS vs NOT IN? Anyway, I don't recall why I went with IN in those aux statements, but I do recall really fighting to find syntax that worked. If there's a performance win to be had, we should definitely look into EXISTS there.

Maybe join the statements...

And the UNION ALL -- yep, good suggestion. Totally missed that one.

Simply replacing the 'RETURNING ' with 'RETURNING \' won't work (but almost). Each CTE aux statement needs to return all PK and UK constraint cols that could be referenced by another CTE aux statement (but that's still a lot better than returning ).