troessner / reek

Code smell detector for Ruby
MIT License
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Trailing comment in method body sometimes interferes with smell suppression comment #1709

Open owst opened 1 year ago

owst commented 1 year ago

Reek (6.1.4) does not report any smells for the following code:

class ExampleClass
  # :reek:LongParameterList
  private def some_method(first, second, third, fourth, fifth)
    p 1

however, after adding a comment at the end of the method, the suppression seems to no longer work and reek reports the LongParameterList smell:

class ExampleClass
  # :reek:LongParameterList
  private def some_method(first, second, third, fourth, fifth)
    p 1
    # content of this comment doesn't seem to matter

interestingly, removing the class seems to also cause the issue to stop (the smell is suppressed) despite the comment remaining:

# :reek:LongParameterList
private def some_method(first, second, third, fourth, fifth)
  p 1
  # content of this comment doesn't seem to matter

also it appears that adding another method before some_method causes the suppression to break again:

def foo

# :reek:LongParameterList
private def some_method(first, second, third, fourth, fifth)
  p 1
  # content of this comment doesn't seem to matter


To reproduce, set up files one.rb, two.rb, three.rb, four.rb with contents of the above four snippets. Then this is the output from reek, along with related ruby/gem versions:

$ ruby --version
ruby 3.1.3p185 (2022-11-24 revision 1a6b16756e) [x86_64-darwin21]
$ reek --version
reek 6.1.4
$ ruby-parse --version
ruby-parse based on parser version

$ reek --smell LongParameterList one.rb
Inspecting 1 file(s):

$ reek --smell LongParameterList two.rb
Inspecting 1 file(s):

two.rb -- 1 warning:
  [3]:LongParameterList: ExampleClass#some_method has 5 parameters []

$ reek --smell LongParameterList three.rb
Inspecting 1 file(s):

$ reek --smell LongParameterList four.rb
Inspecting 1 file(s):

four.rb -- 1 warning:
  [5]:LongParameterList: some_method has 5 parameters []
troessner commented 1 year ago

Hi Owen,

stellar bug report, thank you for that!