trogdoro / xiki

A shell console with GUI features
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Fish shell support #108

Open xixixao opened 9 years ago

xixixao commented 9 years ago

Any plans to support fish? Anyone else has any experience integrating the two? Eh?

trogdoro commented 9 years ago

Can you try fish shell with the latest version of xiki on github?

smith commented 9 years ago

I don't think it works as of 39a692eb408757d488f1b2837ed285c7bc0eb59e. Doing the initial setup for me added source ~/.xsh to my ~/.bashrc. Sourcing that (or xiki-master/bin/.xsh) won't work because they are sh scripts that fish doesn't understand.

Probably wouldn't be too hard to either port them to fish (which would not be great if they needed to change at some point) or figure out how to have fish handle them in their current form (which I don't think is possible, but there could be ways to do it.)

atourkow commented 8 years ago


seancolsen commented 7 years ago


laughedelic commented 7 years ago

@smith probably edc/bass could be useful here?

saintromuald commented 6 years ago

Has anyone been able to make this work now? I haven't found anything regarding that.

yozlet commented 5 years ago

I have it partially working, using the aforementioned bass in a new function:

function xsh
    bass source $HOME/.xsh ';' xsh --d $argv

Note that this doesn't set up key shortcuts for fish, but commands like xsh +note work fine. The --d starts emacs & xiki in "isolated" mode, without daemons running.

Key shortcuts should be pretty easy to set up, but bear in mind that the default Xiki key combos conflict with default fish bindings.