trogdoro / xiki

A shell console with GUI features
3.76k stars 208 forks source link

OSX 10.6 "Menu doesn't exist yet" #116

Closed nathvi closed 9 years ago

nathvi commented 9 years ago

When I type in xiki in my Terminal I get this text: "

Interfaces Xiki can be used from...

  • A text editor
  • The 'xiki' shell command
  • The http://xiki/ url in your browser (experimental)

For more information type:

$ xiki docs

Google Group and Twitter Join the google group or follow @xiki on twitter for help with installing and using, or just to chat or share your ideas:

Troubleshooting A couple commands to help you trouble-shoot:

% bundle install % xiki restart % xiki readme" How do I actually get to xiki???

billymoon commented 9 years ago


JaSei commented 9 years ago

+1 (centos 7)

zackbraksa commented 9 years ago


trogdoro commented 9 years ago

Grab the latest source andtry again! To use xiki from your terminal type "xsh".

$ xsh