trogdoro / xiki

A shell console with GUI features
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Need a screencast for installation, setting up editor and basic usage #126

Open mayuroks opened 9 years ago

mayuroks commented 9 years ago

I recently tried setting it up with Vim and didnt get it working right. I tried the command line but I am having trouble using it too. I checked other screen casts but they only show features and not how to set it up.

I dont use Emacs. I mostly use Vim and Sublime. It wud be really great if you make a screencast only explaining how to install Xiki for these editors and some basic usage to get me started.

yonkeltron commented 9 years ago

I'd like to second this and say that a screencast would be great, even for emacs users like myself, since it seems that first-run is not as trivial as advertised.

trogdoro commented 9 years ago

The setup is now a one-line installer, and a couple subsequent steps you are walked through. I'll leave this issue open, as a placeholder for creating screencasts that demo them.