trogdoro / xiki

A shell console with GUI features
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xsh -r fails with error #138

Closed dsummersl closed 9 years ago

dsummersl commented 9 years ago

When I run zsh -r I see the following in the lower left corner:

Error running timer: (el4r-ruby-error)
alexlafroscia commented 9 years ago

:+1: Also seeing this with the latest Xiki from Github

trogdoro commented 9 years ago

When I run zsh -r

I'm assuming you mean "xsh -r".

I just did a push - can you see if that fixed it? After you grab the latest xiki, run "xsh -reload" before you try again.

If that didn't fix it, can you run this and see what it says?

$ xsh -i -r

The -i flag makes it better at displaying error messages, since it doesn't create a cached process.


On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 7:38 PM, Alex LaFroscia wrote:

Also seeing this with the latest Xiki from Github

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dsummersl commented 9 years ago

Yeah I meant xsh :)

The error is gone with this update! But...when I run xsh -i -r it just shows the text | See the key shortcuts at the bottom. (^G also runs in shell) with some keys at the bottom.

I use zsh, tried it in bash and it does the same thing.

alexlafroscia commented 9 years ago

I'm still seeing the same thing as @dsummersl, ^R doesn't actually show me any commands when running Xiki from ZSH (and I do mean ZSH).

trogdoro commented 9 years ago

Can you run this?

$ echo $SAVEHIST

If the output is 0, try running this:


Then type a couple commands, then do ^R and see if it shows you them.

If this fixes it let me know, and I'll update xsh to temporarily set SAVEHIST if it's 0 in zsh.


On Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 11:28 AM, Alex LaFroscia wrote:

I'm still seeing the same thing as @dsummersl, ^R doesn't actually show me any commands in ZSH

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dsummersl commented 9 years ago

Darn, thats not it. My $SAVEHIST is already set to 1000, and the history command looks good.

trogdoro commented 9 years ago

Hmm... Can you run these 2 lines...

$ dir="$HOME/xiki/misc/logs" $ fc -W "$dir/shell_external_log.notes"

And then tell me what the contents of this file look like?



dsummersl commented 9 years ago

The contents look good to my unfamiliar eyes:

: 1428162324:0;R
: 1428174041:0;./scripts/
: 1428174054:0;echo $SAVEHIST
: 1428174068:7;xsh -r
: 1428174080:0;history
: 1428240308:0;dir="$HOME/xiki/misc/logs"
: 1428240316:3;man fc
: 1428240323:0;fc -W "$dir/shell_external_log.notes"
: 1428240337:14;vim ~/xiki/misc/logs/shell_external_log.notes
: 1428240353:0;xsh -r
alexlafroscia commented 9 years ago

@trogdoro I did that and the contents of that file was extremely long, and contained some command line stuff from a long time ago. I can't be sure that there's nothing in there that I wouldn't want to just put on the internet, so I will refrain from uploading it if that's alright. Is there something specific that I can look for?

trogdoro commented 9 years ago

Is there something specific that I can look for?

I just wanted to make sure there were some commands in the file. That's the file that xiki creates and then grabs your commands from, so it's good at least that seems to be functioning. At this point it'd probably be easiest for me to pair with one or both of you, so we can explore more easily. If this works, email me and we'll set up a time to screenshare on skype or google hangouts.


On Sun, Apr 5, 2015 at 12:07 PM, Alex LaFroscia wrote:

@trogdoro I did that and the contents of that file was extremely long, and contained some command line stuff from a long time ago. I can't be sure that there's nothing in there that I wouldn't want to just put on the internet, so I will refrain from uploading it if that's alright. Is there something specific that I can look for?

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alexlafroscia commented 9 years ago

What's your email address? Or email me, alex [at]

trogdoro commented 9 years ago

This should be fixed. Can you try again?

The problem was related to zsh putting special characters into the history file, and xsh choking silently while reading it in.

alexlafroscia commented 9 years ago

@trogdoro it's working for me now in ZSH

dsummersl commented 9 years ago

me too! thanks so much you all.