trogdoro / xiki

A shell console with GUI features
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Executing unending processes from Xiki notes #166

Closed echosa closed 7 years ago

echosa commented 7 years ago

I use unison for file syncing. I usually run unison in its own terminal, and leave it running throughout the work day. It continuously runs, watches for file changes, and syncs files on save. It outputs to the terminal when it syncs and when it's done syncing.

When I execute unison from a Xiki note, Xiki just tells me the process is taking a long time, and I can press Esc to stop it. I obviously don't want to stop it. However, since it seems to be running in the background, I don't get the sync information displayed out to the terminal to watch for errors, etc.

Is it possible to start a constantly running process like unison from Xiki notes and either a.) see the output in Xiki like I would in bash, or 2.) exit back out to bash but still have the process running and the output going to stdout as usual?

trogdoro commented 7 years ago

Yes, "2.)" is possible. Type Ctrl+G when your cursor is on the command, and it will go back to your default shell and run it there.

Or, use an & as the prompt instead of a $, and then Ctrl+O or double clicking will do that.

$ echo "Gets run inline unless you Ctrl+G" & echo "Gets run back in bash or zsh"


On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 11:00 AM Brian Zwahr wrote:

I use unison for file syncing. I usually run unison in its own terminal, and leave it running throughout the work day. It continuously runs, watches for file changes, and syncs files on save. It outputs to the terminal when it syncs and when it's done syncing.

When I execute unison from a Xiki note, Xiki just tells me the process is taking a long time, and I can press Esc to stop it. I obviously don't want to stop it. However, since it seems to be running in the background, I don't get the sync information displayed out to the terminal to watch for errors, etc.

Is it possible to start a constantly running process like unison from Xiki notes and either a.) see the output in Xiki like I would in bash, or 2.) exit back out to bash but still have the process running and the output going to stdout as usual?

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echosa commented 7 years ago

Oh, sweet. Ctrl-G is what I was needing! I should have known that, from the tutorial. :-P

Great to know about the & prompts, though. I don't think that was in the tutorial.


trogdoro commented 7 years ago

No prob! Yeah, I should maybe add that to a more advanced section of the tutorial.

I'm going to restructure the tutorial a little bit to make it use the shortcuts at the bottom as a guide. I'm hoping that will lessen the confusion people are telling me they're having in the tutorial regarding ^O vs ^X vs ^G.


On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 12:40 PM Brian Zwahr wrote:

Closed #166

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echosa commented 7 years ago

Maybe add the shortcuts to the bottom guide, nano style? Open (^O) Goto (^G) It'd be a bit cluttered, probably.

trogdoro commented 7 years ago

They usually are on the screen. Only it's "Open" with the "O" underlined to indicate Ctrl+O etc.


On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 12:52 PM Brian Zwahr wrote:

Maybe add the shortcuts to the bottom guide, nano style? Open (^O) Goto (^G) It'd be a bit cluttered, probably.

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