trogdoro / xiki

A shell console with GUI features
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Error when installing or running manually #169

Open eje211 opened 6 years ago

eje211 commented 6 years ago

Whether I try the one-time installer or whether I download the tar file and run bin/xsh manually, I get the same error. The screen goes blank and I just get this line at the bottom:

Error running timer: (Error: "Buffer  *server* has no process")

Sometimes, if I click anywhere the screen splits in two and strange things start happening. Doing the emacs C-x C-c quit sequence gets me out of there.

I'm on Kubuntu 16.04.3 LTS "Xenial".

I code in Java, Python, JavaScript and several other languages on Eclipse, IntelliJ, vim and other editors but Ruby and emacs specifically fall right into the blind spot of technologies I'm not very familiar with. So I feel rather clueless here.



I did some digging using the bash file.

I can get a little bit closer to running Xiki by trying this:

$ emacs -Q --daemon=123 -nw # I'm not using emacs over a network, so the warning below should be safe to ignore.
Warning: due to a long standing Gtk+ bug
Emacs might crash when run in daemon mode and the X11 connection is unexpectedly lost.
Using an Emacs configured with --with-x-toolkit=lucid does not have this problem.
Starting Emacs daemon.
$ emacsclient -s 123 -e "(load \"/home/eeytan/Downloads/xiki-master/misc/emacs/start_xiki_daemon.el\")" # That's interesting. A relative path is shown as wrong. Even one that starts with `~/`. It _has_ to be an absolute path to get to the next error.
*ERROR*: make client process failed: no such file or directory, :remote, /home/eeytan/.xikisock, :name, el4r, :buffer, *el4r:process*, :service, t
$ emacsclient -s 123 -t # I still get the error.


$ emacs --version
GNU Emacs 24.5.1
$ ruby --version
ruby 2.3.5p376 (2017-09-14 revision 59905) [x86_64-linux-gnu]