trogdoro / xiki

A shell console with GUI features
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Can't access any of the lib/xiki/tools (ruby 1.9.3, rbenv, linux) #65

Open jemc opened 10 years ago

jemc commented 10 years ago

I've been digging around in the xiki internals to try to figure out what's going wrong myself, but I'm lacking some knowledge about how things are getting resolved, so I'll just post my symptoms here, and what I've found so far. (I'm in ruby 1.9.3, installed via rbenv and ruby-build on Fedora 19 linux)

I'm not using emacs, I intend to use the sublime text plugin, which has other issues, but my most pressing issue at the moment can be reproduced by calling xiki from a shell.

When I run xiki docs (or xiki #{any menu from the lib/xiki/tools directory}), I get the MenuSuggester no-menu-found output:

> Menu doesn't exist yet
| Create it?  Make your menu by creating one of these...
+ text file/
+ items/
+ notes/
+ code/
+ more/

Also, I can't find the documentation for it right now but I think I should be able to run xiki @menu and access the Menu singleton from Ruby, but instead I get the following output (which is the same for every other singleton I could think to try, including xiki @launcher:

@flash/- No menu or pattern defined!

All menus other than those two categories that I've tried seem to work, including menus from ~/menu.

I've been able to get the tools loading by setting export MENU_PATH=#{xiki_dir}/lib/xiki/tools before invoking xiki, but I think this is not supposed to be the way they get loaded...

Playing around a bit with the xiki internals, I've found that the tools are indeed getting correctly loaded into Launcher.menus, but I'm not sure how they get resolved from there or why that isn't working.

I get no errors in /tmp/xiki_process.rb.output

I've tried walking my local repository back ~100 revisions or so to see if a slightly older version of xiki didn't have the issue for my setup, but the issue remained as I went backward until other issues started cropping up.

I'm happy to give the output of any debug command you want me to run. I'm also comfortable fetching internal variable values from Ruby for you if that helps. I'd also be happy to write a patch myself if we can get me pointed in the right direction for it.

If you want to chat about it or walk through some tests live, I can usually be found lurking on as |jemc|.

Let me know what I can do to help!

trogdoro commented 10 years ago

(or xiki #{any menu from the lib/xiki/tools directory}),

All the files in menu/ are fair game for typing as menus, but the files in lib mostly are not.

When I run xiki docs

I should create an docs menu soon, but haven't yet, since the refactor.


On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 2:15 AM, Joe Eli McIlvain notifications@github.comwrote:

I've been digging around in the xiki internals to try to figure out what's going wrong myself, but I'm lacking some knowledge about how things are getting resolved, so I'll just post my symptoms here, and what I've found so far. (I'm in ruby 1.9.3, installed via rbenv and ruby-build on Fedora 19 linux)

I'm not using emacs, I intend to use the sublime text plugin, which has other issues, but my most pressing issue at the moment can be reproduced by calling xiki from a shell.

When I run xiki docs (or xiki #{any menu from the lib/xiki/tools directory}), I get the MenuSuggester no-menu-found output:

Menu doesn't exist yet | Create it? Make your menu by creating one of these...

  • text file/
  • items/
  • notes/
  • code/
  • more/

Also, I can't find the documentation for it right now but I think I should be able to run xiki @menu and access the Menu singleton from Ruby, but instead I get the following output (which is the same for every other singleton I could think to try, including xiki @launcher:

@flash/- No menu or pattern defined!

All menus other than those two categories that I've tried seem to work, including menus from ~/menu.

I've been able to get the tools loading by setting export MENU_PATH=#{xiki_dir}/lib/xiki/tools before invoking xiki, but I think this is not supposed to be the way they get loaded...

Playing around a bit with the xiki internals, I've found that the tools are indeed getting correctly loaded into Launcher.menus, but I'm not sure how they get resolved from there or why that isn't working.

I get no errors in /tmp/xiki_process.rb.output

I've tried walking my local repository back ~100 revisions or so to see if a slightly older version of xiki didn't have the issue for my setup, but the issue remained as I went backward until other issues started cropping up.

I'm happy to give the output of any debug command you want me to run. I'm also comfortable fetching internal variable values from Ruby for you if that helps. I'd also be happy to write a patch myself if we can get me pointed in the right direction for it.

If you want to chat about it or walk through some tests live, I can usually be found lurking on as |jemc|.

Let me know what I can do to help!

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

echosa commented 10 years ago

I know this is an old bug, but since it is still open and mostly unaddressed, I figured I'd piggy back here rather than start a new issue.

I'm experiencing this same issue. No matter what I run with the xiki command, nothing works. Here's an example session in a bash terminal:

$ xiki status
xiki_process.rb: running [pid 32773]

$ xiki docs
> Menu doesn't exist yet
| Create it?  Make your menu by creating one of these...
+ text file/
+ items/
+ notes/
+ code/
+ more/

$ xiki readme
> Menu doesn't exist yet
| Create it?  Make your menu by creating one of these...
+ text file/
+ items/
+ notes/
+ code/
+ more/

$ xiki --version
@flash/- Can't launch empty line!

$ xiki ls
- tried to run:
- error: undefined method `goto_char' for nil:NilClass
- backtrace:
  @/Users/echosa/Applications/xiki/lib/xiki/core/view.rb:1039:in `cursor='
  @/Users/echosa/Applications/xiki/lib/xiki/core/tree.rb:784:in `rescue in construct_path'
  @/Users/echosa/Applications/xiki/lib/xiki/core/tree.rb:728:in `construct_path'
  @/Users/echosa/Applications/xiki/lib/xiki/core/tree.rb:1927:in `path'
  @/Users/echosa/Applications/xiki/lib/xiki/core/tree.rb:1825:in `file'
  @/Users/echosa/Applications/xiki/menu/ls.rb:16:in `menu'
  @/Users/echosa/Applications/xiki/lib/xiki/core/invoker.rb:168:in `call'
  @/Users/echosa/Applications/xiki/lib/xiki/core/invoker.rb:168:in `block in invoke'
  @/Users/echosa/Applications/xiki/lib/xiki/core/code.rb:277:in `module_eval'

This is running on OS X 10.9.3. I have the latest source as of today, and I followed the instructions in the Github readme to install.

kristerj commented 10 years ago

echosa, I am experiencing the same thing. Did you have any luck with this issue?

echosa commented 10 years ago

Not really, at least not from bash. I was finally able to get xiki working in Emacs, but I have to run Emacs from the xiki directory. I suspect this is an issue with rvm not working right with Emacs. Even with this working xiki, certain menus (like docs and readme) don't work.

towhans commented 10 years ago

Same here.

gonzaloaune commented 10 years ago

Same here running OSX 10.9.3

mateialexandru commented 10 years ago

same here Ubuntu 14.04

rjhilgefort commented 10 years ago


dblazeka commented 10 years ago

same here OpenSuse 13.1

MaxPleaner commented 10 years ago

same issue on ubuntu 14.04

avondalepark commented 10 years ago

Same here on Arch

EntilZha commented 10 years ago

Same with OSX 10.9.4

siva59 commented 10 years ago

same issue on OS X 10.9.4

siva59 commented 10 years ago

Any luck on this issue ?

alexanderkyte commented 10 years ago

I'm having the same issue using rvm, ruby 2.11, an a brand new ec2 instance.

StevenRKM commented 9 years ago

same here on a fresh Ubuntu 14.04

Unitiser commented 9 years ago

Same here, Fedora 18

nharsch commented 9 years ago

Same here on Mavericks 10.9.3

yzprofile commented 9 years ago

Same here on Mavericks 10.9.4


ruby 2.0.0p451 (2014-02-24 revision 45167) [universal.x86_64-darwin13]

zefram-cochrane commented 9 years ago

Same here in bash on 10.9.4. Maybe because rbenv instead of rvm?

diimdeep commented 9 years ago

osx 10.9.3, ruby-1.9.3-p547 [ x86_64 ], install from repo, same issue

delicious:~ wolf$ xiki ls
- tried to run:
- error: undefined method `goto_char' for nil:NilClass
- backtrace:
  @/Users/wolf/OProjects/xiki/lib/xiki/core/view.rb:1039:in `cursor='
  @/Users/wolf/OProjects/xiki/lib/xiki/core/tree.rb:784:in `rescue in construct_path'
  @/Users/wolf/OProjects/xiki/lib/xiki/core/tree.rb:728:in `construct_path'
  @/Users/wolf/OProjects/xiki/lib/xiki/core/tree.rb:1927:in `path'
  @/Users/wolf/OProjects/xiki/lib/xiki/core/tree.rb:1825:in `file'
  @/Users/wolf/OProjects/xiki/menu/ls.rb:16:in `menu'
  @/Users/wolf/OProjects/xiki/lib/xiki/core/invoker.rb:168:in `call'
  @/Users/wolf/OProjects/xiki/lib/xiki/core/invoker.rb:168:in `block in invoke'
  @/Users/wolf/OProjects/xiki/lib/xiki/core/code.rb:277:in `module_eval'
NeutralAngel commented 9 years ago

Same issue

johnwiseheart commented 9 years ago

Same issue here.

OSX 10.10 RC5 with ZSH (Prezto) ruby 2.0.0p481

niccolox commented 9 years ago

sadly, same on Ubuntu 14 oh-my-zsh ruby 1.9.3p484 (2013-11-22 revision 43786) [x86_64-linux]

shemerey commented 9 years ago

os x 10.10 (14A299l) ruby 2.0.0p481 (2014-05-08 revision 45883) [x86_64-darwin13.1.0]

same problems for me

mideuger commented 9 years ago

Same issue... osx 10.9.4 with fish/zsh ruby 2.0.0p451 (2014-02-24 revision 45167) [universal.x86_64-darwin13]

termosa commented 9 years ago

Exactly the same issue :(

JaSei commented 9 years ago

some problem centos 7 ruby 2.0.0p353