trogdoro / xiki

A shell console with GUI features
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Never allow a user to launch an interpreter #78

Closed Droogans closed 10 years ago

Droogans commented 10 years ago

Typing $ node, $ python, $ irb, etc. will crash my session (in emacs).

Perhaps a blacklist should be created for common command line interpreters?

Droogans commented 10 years ago

By the way, % node, etc. work just fine. Maybe this should be the default for these types of actions?

therealklanni commented 10 years ago

Seems like a common sense thing. Especially for commands like node which could either launch as a REPL or run a script provided as a parameter. We should definitely not restrict the usage of "interpreters" based on user-error, especially because proper usage of these interpreters would be very useful from Xiki.

I recommend closing this issue.