trogdoro / xiki

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Ubuntu install guide #89

Open JackLeo opened 10 years ago

JackLeo commented 10 years ago

On Ubuntu you can't just install ruby1.9.3, you need ruby1.9.3-dev for mkmf package.

abrownwv commented 10 years ago

and in Fedora (the better distro ;) you need yum install ruby ruby-devel

amias-channer commented 10 years ago

on ubuntu 14.04 you need ruby-all-dev , there is no ruby.1.9.3-dev.

85pando commented 10 years ago

@amias-channer You probably want 1.9.1-dev which actually provides 1.9.3-dev

MaxPleaner commented 9 years ago

@amias-channer rvm install 1.9.3-dev